Igor Saksida
Mladinska književnost v prvih dveh triletjih osnovne šole
Juvenile Literature in the First Two Three-year Periods of Elementary School
Slovenski sinopsis
English synopsis
English summary

Slovenski sinopsis
V okviru prenove pouka slovenskega jezika in književnosti avtor obravnava vsebine, smotre in metode književnega pouka v prvih dveh triletjih osnovne šole. Ugotovitve opira na spoznanja primerjalne književne didaktike in izsledke proučevanj nekaterih tujih kurikularnih rešitev. Opredeljene sestavine predmetnega kurikula pa terjajo preverjanje v praksi, da bi kot take ponudile gradivo za učne načrte, priročnike in učbenike.
English synopsis
In the framework of the renovation of the teaching of the Slovene language and literature the author analyzes the content, the aims and methods of literature teaching in the first two three-year periods. His results are based on the findings of the comparative literature teaching didactics and the research carried out by certain foreign curricular solutions. The defined elements of the subject curriculum demand verification in practice, so as to become, as such, a material for teaching programmes, manuals and textbooks.
English summary
The contribution deals with the elements of the subject curriculum of literature teaching in general, especially as regards the forming of literature teaching starting-points in the first two three-year periods of elementary school. Solutions that are offered on the level of principles and aims have to be verified on the basis of the findings in comparative literature teaching didactics and the study of foreign curricular solutions, textbooks and manuals for literature didactics.
The definition of the elements of the curriculum is possible within the framework of introductory thoughts on the teaching of literature can be limited to three questions: WHAT, WHY and HOW. The first question (What) refers to the content of the subject curriculum, the second question (Why) can be linked with the aims of literature teaching, the third one (How) with algorhythm and the models of school interpretation. All the three components of the curriculum require verification in practice, i.e. the suitability test of an individual subject content, aims and models with regard to the age of a child, social situation and needs.
Discussions of literary didactics should, however, not remain on the level of theoretical definitions and models, but should offer material for teaching programmes, manuals and textbooks.