Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Sonja Pečjak

Izhodišča za prenovo bralnega pouka pri predmetu slovenski jezik
Starting-points in the Modernization of the Teaching of Reading Within the Subject Slovene Language

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Avtorica govori v prispevku o izhodiščih za prenovo bralnega pouka. Predstavi globalne in etapne cilje za doseganje bralne pismenosti (za 1., 2. in 3. triletje osnovne šole ter za srednje šole) ter strategije, s katerimi dosegamo opisane cilje.


 - English synopsis

The author writes about the starting-points for modernization of the teaching of reading. She presents the global and phase objectives to achieve reading literacy (in the first three three-year periods of elementary and secondary school) and strategies which enable us to achieve the aims described.


 - English summary

Modern societies need functionally literate readers. The literacy of pupils can be attained by pursuing three aims: the comprehension of the read, a positive attitude towards reading and the knowledge of the metacognition of the reading process. The highest aim of the teaching of reading is to form a reading and literate person, who is able to read and comprehend a text quickly and is flexible enough in it. This is achieved by mastering and comprehending the reading process, the read texts and a positive attitude towards reading. Aims according to individual phases for the first three three-year periods of elementary and secondary school are conversely formulated. Along with the automatization of reading there are strategies needed in order to achieve the aims of reading development, strategies employed before, during and after the reading as well as study strategies.


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