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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Marko Jesenšek

Poskus periodizacije razvoja oblik na -č in -ši v slovenskem knjižnem jeziku 19. stoletja
An Attempt at Establishing Periods in the Development of Forms in -č and -ši in the 19th Century Slovene Standard Language

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Razprava razkriva, kakšen je bil razvoj deležniško-deležijskih skladov na -č in ši kot učinkovitih skladenjskih strnjevalcev od 19. stoletja do danes.


 - English synopsis

The article discusses the development of participial constructions in -č and -ši as efficient syntactic devices of text condensation from 19th century till the present day.


 - English summary

Development of forms in -č and -ši in the 19th century can be divided into six periods, from a complete disinterest (Period I, /before 1815/ --- Linguistic Refusal), through initial enthusiasm (Period II, /1815-1824/ --- Uncritical Reception and Revival), unexpected revival (Periods III and IV, /1825-1862/ --- Correction and Linguistic Openness, /1863-1876/ --- Normative Regulation) and being fashionable (Period V, /1877-1897/ --- Linguistic Fashion) to a sudden and rapid condemnation marginalizing them once again at the turn of the century (Period VI, /after 1897/ --- Decreased Use and Disappearance).

In 19th century Slovene texts, forms in -č and -ši are efficient syntactic devices of text condensation increasing the information capacity of communication. Participial constructions in -č typically denote simultaneity, while participial constructions in -ši signal anteriority to the event described by the superordinate clause. Of the two participial condensations, only forms in -č were common (as attributive, povedkovnik, nominalised and adverbalised constructions), while participles in -ši were used only rarely.


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