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Slovenska književnost
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Irena Stramljič - Breznik

Izpeljanke s pomenom snovi iz pridevniške podstave
De-adjectival Nouns Indicating Substances

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Samostalniške izpeljanke s snovnim pomenom nastajajo iz glagolske, pridevniške in samostalniške podstave, vendar zanje ne veljajo globinske pretvorbene povezave s sestavinami upovedovalne propozicije, kot to velja za drugih pet besedotvornih pomenov. Snovni pomen je opredeljiv na podlagi drugih kriterijev, ki so se pokazali relevantni pri določanju tovrstnih izpridevniških izpeljank.


 - English synopsis

Derived nouns indicating substances can be formed from a verbal, adjectival or nominal base, but they do not follow the transformational relations to propositional components operative in the other five word-forming meanings. The substance meaning can be determined of the basis of other criteria which prove to be relevant in identifying de-adjectival derived nouns of this type.


 - English summary

The category of derived nouns indicating substances is --- contrary to other word-forming meanings of derived nouns --- in no direct transformational relation either to the components of the underlying sentence structure or to the semantics of sentence elements, but is rather determined by other defining properties identifiable on the basis of analysis of an extensive corpus: 1) The most frequent derivational suffixes in substance nouns appear to be -ina, -ec and -ica, setting the category of substance nouns apart from that of property carriers (nouns indicating entities with certain properties), where the most productive derivational suffixes are -ica, -ina, -ik and -ka. 2) Among the bases of derived substance nouns, whose typical feature is noncount, so-called substance adjectives prevail. 3) Some of these de-adjectival substance nouns belong to the sphere of professional jargons, because they are restricted to certain fields of activity dealing with research of substances. 4) In some instances, the meaning of such nouns in dictionary entries is defined simply as substance.


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