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Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Blaž Podlesnik

Frazeološko-ideološka perspektiva pripovedovalca v odnosu do lika Oblomova v romanu Oblomov I. A. Gončarova
The Narrator's Phraseologic and Ideologic Point of View on the Oblomov Character in Goncharov's Novel Oblomov

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - Russian summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prispevek predstavlja poskus osvetlitve ideološko-vrednostnih odnosov med obema centralnima subjektoma romana Oblomov na osnovi predstavitve neposredno izraženih vrednostnih sodb pripovedovalca in prikaza odnosov med njunima govoroma, ki na frazeološki ravni opredeljujejo odnos do idejnega sveta lika. Odnos pripovedovalca do lika se v romanu spreminja hkrati z evolucijo lika in naj bi jo razkril tudi pripovedovalčev vrednostni odnos do upovedovane družbene situacije.


 - English synopsis

The article is an attempt to throw light on the ideology and values of the two central subjects in Goncharov's Oblomov by examining the narrator's explicit value judgments and the relationship between the two characters' discourses, which define on the phraseological level their relation to their respective ideational worlds. The narrator's attitude towards the main character changes as the latter evolves through the novel, and these changes are also a reflection of the narrator's evaluative attitude towards the social situation he is depicting.


 - Russian summary


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