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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Pavao Tekavčić

Slovenija v enem od najlepših del sodobne hrvaške nenarativne književnosti
Slovenia in One of the Most Beautiful Texts of Contemporary Croatian Non-Narrative Literature

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prispevek govori o prisotnosti Slovenije v najlepši knjigi znane hrvaške umetnostne zgodovinarke in književnice Željke Čorak, Krhotine: slovenski izvor pomembnega dela avtoričine družine, zemljepisna bližina Gorskega kotarja s Slovenijo, stalni stiki med ljudmi, slovenska književnost in ljudsko izročilo, velika podobnost narečij, slovenizmi v lokalnem govoru.


 - English synopsis

The paper discusses the presence of Slovenia in the most beautiful book of the prominent Croatian art historian and writer Željka Čorak, Krhotine: the Slovene origin of a significant part of the writer's family, the geographic vicinity of Gorski kotar to Slovenia, constant contacts among people, Slovene literature and folk tradition, a great similarity of dialects, Slovene words in the local dialect.


 - English summary

The best known and most beautiful work of the great Croatian art historian and writer, translator, essayist and critic Željka Čorak, Krhotine (Zagreb 1991) is a poetic-philosophic-artistic remembrance of the past (the 19th and beginning of the 20th century) at Prezir (in Gorski kotar, close to the Croatian border with Slovenia): of family members, the ambiance, the way of life, the spiritual and material culture (also scientifically analysed), the rich family library, etc. Slovenia is strongly present throughout the text: the author's partly Slovene background, the immediate vicinity of Prezir to the Slovene border, constant contacts among people, sending a number of children from Prezir to schools to Kočevje and Ljubljana, the numerous Slovene books in the rich family library, similarity of dialects, Slovene words in the local dialect, Christmas and New Year songs. All this makes it worthwhile to bring the Slovene component in the beautiful text of Krhotine to the attention of Slovene intellectuals.


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