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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Mirjana Benjak

Pouk književnosti v hrvaški gimnaziji
Teaching Literature in the Croatian Grammar-School (Curriculum and Textbooks)

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Zadnje desetletje je na Hrvaškem zaznamovala vrsta sprememb (političnih, demokratičnih, gospodarskih ipd.), ki so se odrazile tudi v (srednje)šolskem sistemu. Opaziti je, da današnje hrvaško srednje šolstvo teži k ciljem, ki so usmerjeni k humanistični ter demokratično- pluralistični vzgoji in izobraževanju mladega človeka. Narejeno je tudi nekaj (praktičnih) korakov: od sprememb v šolski zakonodaji do razbremenitve učnih načrtov. Še vedno pa ne obstaja teoretično domišljen model nove hrvaške šole, s katerim bi se vključila v evropski šolski sistem. Obstajajo samo deklarativne opredelitve za nacionalno hrvaško šolo evropske usmeritve. Zato je nemogoče govoriti o kakšnih pomembnejših sistemskih določilih hrvaške srednješolske vzgoje in izobraževanja ter s tem tudi pouka književnosti; zato se bomo ustavili pri tistih dejavnikih, ki so del praktičnega udejanjanja koncepta novega šolstva, torej pri učnih načrtih in berilih/učbenikih (za gimnazije).


 - English synopsis

In the last ten years, Croatia has seen a number of major changes (political, democratic, economic, etc.), which have been reflected also in (secondary) education. Today, Croatia's secondary educational system pursues aims directed towards humanistic and democratically pluralized education. Several (practical) measures have been introduced, from changes in school legislation to less loaded curricula. However, there is still no theoretically coherent model of a new Croatian school, with which the country could join the European educational system. Commitment to a national school of European orientation has not gone beyond the stage of verbal declarations. It is therefore impossible to talk about any significant systemic provisions in documents related to secondary schools, including teaching literature in them. Thus the article focuses on those factors that make part of practical implementation of the concept of new education, viz. (grammar-school) curricula and readers/ textbooks.


 - English summary

Examination and analysis of the Croatian grammar-school curricula and readers/ textbooks for the field of literature reveals the following:

It may be concluded that the grammar-school textbooks used in Croatia today are generally acceptable. However, as regards the literary curriculum, a lot of responsible work will still have to be done to design a curriculum that will meet the demands of the contemporary curricular theory.


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