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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Zoltan Jan

Ljubka Šorli med Italijani
Ljubka ŠOrli Among the Italians

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prispevek obravnava percepcijo goriško-tolminske pesnice Ljubke Šorli v italijanskem kulturnem prostoru. Opisani procesi odkrivajo na videz podobne pojave, ki so značilni tudi za sprejemanje drugih slovenskih pesnikov. Posebnost predstavlja razsežnost intimnega doživljanja te lirike pri nekaterih Italijanih, ki so se z delom pesnice srečali med sodelovanjem s slovenskimi kulturnimi ustvarjalci v Gorici.


 - English synopsis

The article discusses the perception of Ljubka Šorli, a poet from the Goriško-Tolminsko area, in Italy. The characteristics of these processes do not seem to be any different from those typical of the reception of other Slovene poets in Italy. What is specific is the depth of the intimate reading of her lyrical poems by some Italians who came to know her work through co-operation with poets and writers from Gorica.


 - English summary

A detailed review of extraliterary material shows that the work of Ljubka Šorli, a poet from the Goriško-Tolminsko area, has found its way also into the Italian society and received public and official recognition there. It was especially the injustices and suffering inflicted by fascists (the murder of her young husband, which left her alone with two very young children; cruel torture in an Italian prison in 1943) that made known to the broader Italian democratic public. Against the background of this tragic life story, which did not trigger a slightest call for revenge in her poems, her poetry was received with a particular appreciation. The Italian public learnt about Ljubka Šorli thanks to co-operation between Italian intellectuals and their colleagues in Nova Gorica. Their joint projects opened the doors to each other's literatures --- Slovene, Friulian, and Italian --- in their respective countries. These contacts resulted among other things in the publication of two books of Ljubka Šorli's poetry in Italian. She also features in various monographs and anthologies of Goriško literature, and her poems may be heard or read on a number of occasions. While Italian interpretations remain within the standard Slovene views on this poetic world, it is obvious they grow from profound intimate readings of Ljubka Šorli's poetry.


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