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Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Joze Pogacnik

Knjizevnozgodovinske dolocnice Stiskega rokopisa
Literary --- Historical Determinants of Stiski rokopis

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Razprava je posvecena Stiskemu rokopisu, ki so ga vcasih poimenovali tudi Ljubljanski rokopis, omenja njegovi dve izdaji, nato pa podrobneje navaja Grafenauerjeve ugotovitve. Avtor si je zadal nalogo, da bo odkril predvsem literarnozgodovinske dolocnice obravnavanega rokopisa, jezikovno-stilni in kompozicijski sestav njegovih besedil ter njegove geneticne in tipoloske znacilnosti, s katerimi se uvrsca v domac in zahodnoevropski kulturoloski kontekst. Literarnozgodovinsko analizo pa naj bi dopolnile se jezikovna, paleografska, liturgicna in cerkvenozgodovinska.

Avtor opozarja tudi na razlike med Brizinskimi spomeniki in Stiskim rokopisom, kjer je norma literarnega izrazanja postala ljudska govorjena beseda, s tem pa se je slovenscina spet uveljavila kot literarni lezik.


 - English synopsis

The study deals with Stiski rokopis (Manuscript from Sticna), which used to be called also Ljubljanski rokopis (Manuscript from Ljubljana), mentions its two editions and then in detail describes Grafenauer's findings. The author sets out to establish especially literary-historical determinants of the discussed manuscript, linguistic, stylistic and compositional content of its texts, as well as its genetic and typological characteristics, which help to place the manuscript in Slovene and West European culturological context. Literary-historical analysis is to be further complemented by a linguistic, paleographic, liturgic and ecclesiastic-historical one.

The author also points out the differences between Brizinski spomeniki and Stiski rokopis, where the norm of literary expression became the actual spoken word, whereby the Slovene language once again asserted itself as a literary language.


 - English summary

The analysis of the literary-historical elements of Stiski rokopis (Manuscript from Sticna) reveals that also in this instance it is not the case of a chance-text, which would grow out of practical pastoral needs. Although to a lesser extent, Stiski rokopis is very much like the manuscript Brizinski spomeniki (Monuments from Brizine) the result of a certain literary will that wants the pragmatic also to be beautiful. Stiski rokopis contains therefore also the traces of Man's creative spirit in all its constituent parts, i.e. in the so-called Gospel.


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