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Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Vlado Nartnik

Oblikovne posebnosti hisnih imen v Vnanjih Goricah
Formal Specificities of the House Names in Vnanje Gorice

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Vnanje Gorice so stara vas blizu Ljubljane z mocnim delezem priseljencev. Soocenje domacinov in priseljencev se kaze tudi v hisnih imenih, ki se pri hisah domacinov praviloma razhajajo s priimki hisnih gospodarjev. Posebnim hisnim imenom pa so navadno enaka imena hisnih gospodarjev. Stara imena nadalje zvecine nastopajo v obojespolnih oblikah tipa Andréjcovec - Andréjcovka. Pri starejsih hisnih imenih je glede na mlajsa treba opozoriti se na pare, ki izdajajo razlicno pregibanje imen podobnih izglasij: Lúka - Lúkovka - Lúkov proti Jáka - Jákatov. Za locevanje his se rabijo tudi razlicne oblike krstnih imen tipa Antón in Tóne.


 - English synopsis

Vnanje Gorice is an old village near Ljubljana with a great deal of immigrants. The confrontation between the native and immigrant population results also in the house names, which differ according to the names of house owners. Special house names are usually identical with the names of owners and sometimes ladies of the house. Old house names mostly appear in two-gender forms of the type Andrejcovec --- Andrejcovka. With older house names it is also necessary to draw attention to the pairs that reveal different inflections of the type: Luka - Lukovka --- Lukov vs. Jaka --- Jakatov. In order to tell the houses apart different forms of the same Christian names of the type Anton and Tone are used.


 - English summary

Vnanje Gorice is an old village near Ljubljana with a great deal of immigrants. The confrontation between the native and immigrant population results also in the house names, which differ according to the names of house owners. Special house names are usually identical with the names of owners and sometimes ladies of the house: when they are different, the names of house masters or ladies of the house are described with possessive syntagms of the type Blato --- Blatova Mara. Old house names mostly appear also in two-gender forms for the masters and ladies of the house, respectively: Andrejcovec --- Andrejcovka. The comparison with possessive adjectives unveils a partial tendency for rapprochment of the names of ladies of the house with these adjectives. A partial correspondence is shown in the exceptional derivations of the older names of ladies of the house of the type Hkavcovka and Petrcovka vs. the possessive adjectives Hkavcov and Petrcov, and vs. the younger names of ladies of the house of the type Lukcovka and Tincovka. With older house names it is in view of the older ones also necessary to draw attention to the pairs that reveal different inflections of the type: Luka --- Lukovka --- Lukov vs. Jaka --- Jakatov or Japelj --- Japljovka - Japljov vs. Korl --- Korlnov. In order to tell the houses apart different forms of the same Christian names of the type Anton and Tone are used.


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