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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Vojko Gorjanc

Pornografsko in eroticno v prozi Branka B. Kastelica
The Pornographic and the Erotic in the Prose of Branko B. Kastelic

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V besedilih Branka Kastelica se prepletata dva sistema --- eroticni in pornografski, ki ohranjata vse svoje glavne znacilnosti, vendar brez skrajnosti, tako da ostaja spolnost v njegovih besedilih vedno lep dogodek.


 - English synopsis

In Branko Kastelic's texts, two systems are interwoven --- an erotic one and a pornographic one. They both retain their typical features, but without pushing them to the extreme. As a result, sex in Kastelic's texts remains a permanently beautiful experience.


 - English summary

The system of pornographic texts presupposes an action which is nothing but a set of sexual encounters. The activity is diversified through various posititions during sexual intercourse, various sorts of intercourse and various number of participating persons. The ideal logic of the event system would require sexual intercourse among all participating persons. The characters' main feature is their physical diversification. In most cases they are reduced to the status of objects of sexual activity or even only sexual organs as such. The entire microcosm of the events is dedicated to sexuality, which assigns a sexual function to everything existing in it. The basic procedures of pornographic texts are pornographic reduction and extension, both regarding characters and regarding the event time and space. The presentation of sex is direct, with a suitable vocabulary, and a resulting sexual excitement.

Most pornographic texts are not created as a realization of the pornographic system, but rather in combination with the erotic. The latter uses different devices and different procedures-indirectness, emotiveness, suggestibility, preservation of the subject being the most typical among them.

Branko Kastelic's texts are a balanced, closely intertwined combination of the two systems, erotic and pornographic. The latter retains the dominant activity, space and time reduction, description of characters and sexual organs. However, the number of persons participating in intercourse is reduced (usually two), the pornographic extension and reduction of the human body is lacking, but included are emotions --- also on the lexical level. Persons and encounters may also be described in an indirect way. In realization of the pornographic system, Kastelic avoids all kinds of extremes, so that sex in his texts remains a permanently beautiful experience.


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