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Katja Podbevsek

Interpretativno branje kot del uciteljevega govornega nastopa
Interpretative Reading as Part of the Teacher's Oral Performance

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Interpretativno branje, ki je pomemben del uciteljevega nastopa in ki poleg govorne vkljucuje tudi negovorno komunikacijo, bi moralo biti merilo nase govorne kulture, s tem pa tudi kulture misljenja v celoti.


 - English synopsis

Interpretative reading, which is an important part of the teacher's classroom performance and which should include not only verbal, but also nonverbal communication, should become a test of one's culture of speech and, by extension, of one's entire culture of thought.


 - English summary

Although speech is the primary means of communication and it seems to be a natural human ability learnt in childhood, it does not receive enough attention in the course of education, even though we know certain professions demand specific speaking skills, i.e. cultivated speech.

Verbal communication is complemented by nonverbal communication, equally important as a means of conveying messages. Both are extremely important in the teacher's performance in the classroom, which is a special case of public speech. It is important for the teacher to use standard pronunciation, to be free of any major pronuncation deficiencies or even mistakes, to speak at an appropriate rate and not to use inadequate or excessive mimics which would interfere with his speech.

A distinction can be made between neutral and interpretative reading, where the latter requires special preparation, a so-called speech record, and of course a careful consideration of all possible circumstances that may occur during the lesson and exerce an influence on the teacher's performance. The latter should be a test of his/her culture of speech, which is, of course, also his/her culture of thought.


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