Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Miha Javornik

Socart --- znanilec praznine
Socart -- the Sign of Emptiness

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Socart, ki se je v Sovjetski zvezi pojavil v 70. letih tega stoletja, je napovedal temeljite spremembe v druzbi in kulturi. Namesto idealne socrealisticne doktrine in kolektivnega jaza, je skusal ponovno oziviti in uveljaviti individualnost.


 - English synopsis

Socart, which emerged in the Soviet Union in the 1970s, anticipated profound changes in society and culture. Instead of the ideal socrealist doctrine and collective ego it tried to reinstate and reassert individuality.


 - English summary

The study discusses socart, the cultural and artistic phenomenon in the Soviet Union in the 1970s. It is the first autochthonous Russian artistic movement after socrealism, which in the Soviet reality announced profound changes in culture and society. Socart appears as shock therapy with which the artist is trying to escape from the conformist and utopian sheme of ideas about an ideal society within the framework of socrealist doctrine and tries to give new value to individuality, which has for more than fifty years been fusing with the collective self.

The study points to the fact that there are two phases in the development of socart:

1) In the first phase stylization and parody prevail. With the repetition of ideologized flowery expressions, which are set in a banal context, socart discredits the truth that had been offered to the Russian people or rather forced upon by the official Soviet ideology for more than forty years. In time the subject of decanonization becomes also all forms of truth, which is offered by literature and art. In creating a parody and degradation it tries to devalue the significance of all canonized works, which were created by Russian classics.

2) With the repetition of the same procedures, which reduces the significance of a parodied work, socart becomes less and less informative. Desemantization or the gradual loss of meaning leads to the wih regard to meaning unmotivated juxtaposition of inconpatible elements, where it asserts itself as a catalogue-genre. In the second phase of socart some sort of encyclopedia-museum is created, where unmotivated sense units of contiguous elements point to the emergence of a formed emptiness. This emptiness announces the crisis in which contemporary Russian literature has sunk.


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