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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Miran Hladnik

Elektronski literarnovedni viri in racunalnisko pisanje
Electronic Literary Studies Sources and Hypertext

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Na rast svetovnega elektronskega informacijskega sistema je vplival hiter razvoj racunalniskih omrezij. Posledica tega je tudi nastanek velikega stevila razlicnih podatkovnih zbirk, tudi bibliografskih in tekstovnih, ki so zanimive tudi za literarne zgodovinarje. Istocasno pa je tehnoloski razvoj avtorje »prisilil«, da pisejo neposredno v racunalnik, kar od njih terja drugacno oblikovanje besedil.


 - English synopsis

One of the main factors in the growth of the global electronic information system has been a fast development of computer networks. It has resulted in a large number of various databases, including bibliographical and textual ones, which are of interest for literary historians.

This technological development has also »forced« authors to start writing directly into the computer, which calls for a different text design and editing. This development »forced« authors to switch to a direct use of computers in their text production. The next technology demands a different approach to text production and editing.


 - English summary

The extremely rapid development of computer networks, which has led to the creation of an enormous number of electronic bibliographical, textual and other databases, has resulted in a global electronic information system, which enables connections and communication even at great distances, making exchange of knowledge and information remarkably fast and efficient. Slovenia has an academic research network of its own, the ARNES (the Academic Research Network of Slovenia), and through it it is connected to the INTERNET. The article presents some western and Slovene electronic sources, interesting for a literary scholar; and explains the main Internet protocols.

This development has »forced« authors to switch to a different literacy: they use computers in their text production. The new hypertext technology demands a different approach to text organisation and production: working within the framework of computer networks, the author has become his own desk-editor, editor and publisher.


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