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Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Martina Krizaj Ortar, Marja Bester

Prenova jezikovnega pouka pri predmetu slovenski jezik
The Modernization of Language Teaching Within the Subject the Slovene Language

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V prispevku navajata avtorici razloge za prenovo pouka jezika pri solskem predmetu slovenski jezik, globalne/splosne cilje, iz njih izhajajoce vsebine in metode dela ter sodobne jezikoslovne smeri kot podstavo prenove.


 - English synopsis

In the article the authors point to the reasons for the modernization of language teaching within the school subject The Slovene language, global/general objectives, concepts and methods of work derived from them and contemporary linguistic trends as the hypothesis of the modernization.


 - English summary

New social circumstances (Slovene as the state language) and new expert knowledge require, within the Slovene language as the teaching subject and language in our educational system, also the evaluation of language teaching. In the published article at first the need for the modernization of language teaching is called for, i.e. on the basis of the presentation of bad results (domestic and international) in adult and pupil literacy research, bad linguistic knowledge and inadequate language teaching (the number of hours, areas, aims, content and methods). In the second part the new concept of language teaching is described. It consists of the description of the global objectives, concepts and methods of work derived from them (namely the so-called communication or language teaching according to the meaning, function and pragmatic aspects). The linguistic hypothesis of the modernization of teaching so conceived is represented by linguistics (according to the meaning, function and pragmatic aspects) and textual linguistics.


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