Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Boza Krakar-Vogel

Pouk knjizevnosti v srednji soli
Teaching Literature in Secondary School

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V prispevku avtorica podaja splosna teoreticna izhodisca za pouk knjizevnosti v praksi. Didakticno strukturo pouka knjizevnosti predstavi kot hierarhicno in soodvisno prepletanje ciljev, vsebin in metod, ki vodi k temeljnemu smotru knjizevnega pouka --- dejavnemu stiku z leposlovjem. Prikaze tudi mozno diferenciacijo ciljev in vsebin knjizevnega pouka v osnovni soli in stiriletnih srednjesolskih programih ter nakaze nekatere kratkorocne in dolgorocne naloge podprojekta Pouk knjizevnosti v srednji soli.


 - English synopsis

The author in the article describes the general theoretical starting-point for literature teaching in practice. She presents the didactic structure of literature teaching as a hierarhical and correlated complexity of various contents and methods, which leads to the basic aim of literature teaching --- an active contact with literature. She also demonstrates the possible differentiation of aims and texts of literature teaching in elementary school and the four-year secondary school programmes and points to some of the short-term and long-term tasks of the sub-projects Teaching literature in secondary school.


 - English summary

The article at first describes the general theoretical starting-points for the teaching of literature in practice. It presents the didactic structure of literature teaching as a hierarhic and correlated complexity of its aims, subjects and methods. As the basic aim of literature teaching on all the levels of education it defines the education of a student for an active contact with Belles-Lettres. This aim is realized gradually, by developing the capabilities for literary reception and 'production', by a systematic broadening of the knowledge of literature and by expanding literary culture as an interest for reading various kinds of literature in spare time. In the continuation the article in the form of maps depicts the possible differentiation of aims and the texts used in elementary school literature teaching and in the four-year maturity programmes and programmes ending with the final examination. This differentiation is based on the differences in the level of pupil maturity and the different horizon of expectation. The approach to literature is being graduated from the one based on experience and reception to the critical reception of a cultivated reader, one that is based on experience and analysis. At the end there are enumerated some of the short-term and long-term tasks of the sub-project Teaching literature in secondary school.


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