Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Alenka Kozinc

Podprojekt Slovenski jezik v pedagoski komunikaciji
The Sub-project the Slovene Language in Pedagogic Communication

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Avtorica govori v prispevku o pomenu ucnega (slovenskega) jezika v pedagoski komunikaciji, analizira stanje in predlaga resitve s pomocjo bazicnih raziskav in s prenovo programov, pripravo katalogov in ucnih gradiv ter z izobrazevanjem za ucitelje.


 - English synopsis

The author in the article describes the significance of the teaching (Slovene) language in pedagogic communication, analyzes the situation and proposes solutions with the help of basic research and the modernization of programmes, the preparation of catalogues and textbooks and education for teachers.


 - English summary

The aims of the sub-project group The Slovene language in Pedagogic Commmunication are the improvement of the social role of the Slovene language, the awareness about the significance of Slovene as a mother and state tongue, the cultural and national mission of the mother tongue, the improvement of the pedagogic communication (with referential and cognitive speech) and about the rise of the adequate, comprehensible and linguistically correct language expression.

The analysis of the situation in the field of pedagogic communication and the learning language at school, the percentage in the teaching programmes, the position of the Slovene language in staff schools and in the education of teachers points to the need for modernization.

The planned legal changes and the directions in The White Book enable the planning of solutions relating to organization and content on various levels: one pertaining to theory and research (two studies), development and application (the preparation of programmes, catalogues, textbooks and exercises) and on the level of organization and application (the preparation of programmes for elementary and permanent education of teachers as well as additional education in pedagogic and andragogic programmes, the preparations for an expert examination and the first work at school).


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