Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Milena Blazic

Bralni in pisni interesi v slovenskih osnovnih solah
Reading and Writing Interests in Slovene Primary Schools

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Anketa o bralnih in pisnih interesih v razvojnih obdobjih otrok v osnovni soli: pravljicnem, realisticnem in prehodnem obdobju, na katero je odgovarjalo 60 ucencev iz 2., 5. in 8. razreda z razlicnih sol in iz razlicnih druzbenih okolij, naj bi razkrila, kaj posebno radi berejo oz. cesa ne marajo in o cem bi radi pisali oz. katerih tem ne marajo.


 - English synopsis

A query was carried out among 60 pupils of the second, fifth and eighth grades of various Slovene primary schools from various social backgrounds in order to establish the reading and writing interests at three developmental stages in the primary school period. The study aimed at identifying the pupils' likes and dislikes in literature and in composition topics.


 - English summary

The author discusses reading and writing interests at three stages of child development in the primary school period: fairy-tale, realistic and transitional. An empirical study was carried out to establish reading and writing characteristics of Slovene primary-school pupils. The results were used to establish guidelines for teaching literature in primary schools which would be pupil-centred and would exploit their specific reading and writing interests: (1) surpassing prevailingly trivial interests by introducing new methods of motivation, (2) critical reading of literature, (3) ways of reading trivial and non-trivial literature and expanding the pupils' knowledge of literature, (4) adapting the syllabus to the pupils' literary interests, (5) more emphasis on motivation in teaching literature, and (6) introduction of more contemporary topics into teaching literature.


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