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Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Miha Mohor

Bralna znacka: Petintrideset let gibanja za razvoj bralnih navad in bralne kulture med slovensko mladino
The Reader's Badge: Thirty Five Years of the Movement for Better Reading Habits and Culture of Reading Among the Slovene Youth

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Pred petintridesetimi leti se je na Slovenskem na pobudo dveh profesorjev slovenistov --- Stanka Kotnika in Leopolda Suhodolcana --- rodilo gibanje Bralna znacka, ki naj bi okrepilo bralne navade in bralno kulturo med slovensko mladino. Zdaj zdruzuje Bralna znacka vsako leto tudi do 140.000 soloobveznih otrok in manjse stevilo srednjesolcev in odraslih, v letih svojega obstoja pa se je izkazala tudi kot odlicna oblika in priloznost za sirjenje dobre knjige ter kot moznost za motiviranje ucencev in za njihov aktivni stik s pomenskim in estetskim bogastvom literature.


 - English synopsis

Thirty-five years ago Slovenia started --- on the initiative of two teachers of the Slovene language, Stanko Kotnik and Leopold Suhodolcan --- a movement to improve reading habits and culture of reading among the Slovene youth. Today is movement, the Reader's Badge, boasts up 10 140.000 primary-school age participants and a number of secondary school students and adults each year. Throughout the years of its existance it has established itself as an excellent method of spreading good books and of motivating Pupils to develop an active contact with the semantic and aesthetic wealth of literature.


 - English summary

The movement for the Reading Badge was born 35 years ago when teachers of Slovene language Stanko Kotnik and Leopold Suhodolcan were inspired by the Czech idea of rewarding readers with badges.

Their different understanding of youth literature turned out to be an attractive second choice for literary education, and spread to all Slovene schools. Each year approximately 140,000 schoolchildren (Slovenia has a population of 2 million people) read books, and are rewarded with 35 different badges after Slovene poets and writers.

Through the years the Reading Badge has opened an increasingly democratic dialogue between readers and mentors, as well as adding more and more accompanying activities, such as cultural events, gatherings with artists, an international book quiz etc. At the same time it has encouraged and accelerated the development of school libraries and book production for young people.


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