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Vojko Gorjanc

Primerjalna razclenitev terminologije v matematiki in filozofiji
A Comparative Analysis of Terminology in Mathematics and Philosophy

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Primerjava besedisca v matematiki in filozofiji naj bi odkrila specificne lastnosti teh dveh terminologij, hkrati pa izpostavila tudi razlocevalne besediscne lastnosti znanstvenega jezika sploh.


 - English synopsis

The vocabularies of mathematics and philosophy are compared in order to establish specific features of these terminologies, and at the same time to identify distinctive lexical properties of scientific register in general.


 - English summary

Analysis of absolute frequency of lexis in matematical and philosophical texts reveals that among the most frequent words in mathematical texts there are more terminological items than in philosophical texts, where they are replaced by phoric linguistic means. This distinction implies more general difference in the cohesive structure: while the cohesion of philosophical texts relies on phoric, coextensive linguistic means, mathematical texts are built on repetitions of the same lexeme. A further confirmation of this conclusion is found in terminological density, which in higher in mathematical texts, as the abstractness of matematical texts is achieved already on the level of lexeme.

Mathematical terminology contains more monosemic terms. The main reason for a lower percentage of monosemic terms in philosophy is the fact that (acording to the Dictionary of the Slovene Standard Language) philosophical vocabulary frequently passes into the category labelled 'Literary''. Such shifts are particularly common in borrowings. In mathematical terminology there are fewer borrowed terms therefore also such shifts are fewer. As philosophical terms, begin to be used in other fields, they acquire labels 'Journalistic', 'Legal' and 'Linguistic', while mathematical terms mainly move into 'Physics' and 'Chemistry'.

Both in mathematics and in philosophy one-word derived terms carry the most frequent word-forming meanings, which are de-sentential transforms. This implies that body philosophy and mathematics deal with abstract realms.

Terminology should eliminate unnecessary synonyms, but synonymous expressions do exist, especially as a consequence of acceptance of parallel foreign terminology, of different word-formation patterns, and in mathematics also as a consequence of parallelism between language of symbols and language of words.


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