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Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Vanda Babic

Vzhodnoslovanizacija hrvaskih glagolskih liturgicnih knjig v 17. in 18. stoletju
The Eastern Slavonisation of the Croatian Glagolitic Liturgical Texts

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V clanku skusa avtorica osvetliti obdobje vzhodnoslovanizacije hrvaskih glagolskih liturgicnih knjig v 17. in 18. stoletju in razmejiti najznacilnejse pravopisne in jezikovne prvine hrvaske in vzhodnoslovanske redakcije cerkvene slovanscine v vzhodnoslovaniziranih misalih in brevirjih tega obdobja.


 - English synopsis

The author discusses the period of Eastern Slavonisation of Croatian liturgical texts in the 17th and 18th century, with an attempt to identify the most typical orthographic and grammatical elements in the Croatian and Eastern Slavonic redactions of the Church Slavonic language in Eastern Slavonissed missals and breviaries of that period.


 - English summary

The process of Eastern Slavonisation in Croatian texts does not suggest the breakthrough of individual language elements of Eastern Slavonic languages of that period (it was not connected with the broader cultural-educational and linguistic activities of Eastern Slavonic language speakers in the Croatian territory). The texts were linguistically changed following the acknowledged orthographic and grammar standards of Eastern Slavonic grammars of the Church Slavonic language. The Eastern Slavonisation was the product of foreign (also political) efforts of church leaders in Rome and some defenders of pure and unified Church Slavonic language for all Slavs. It was not a »living« language phenomenon and it was restricted to the main liturgical texts --- missals and breviaries and to one certain type of scripture --- the Glagolitic alphabet. Apart from this, Eastern Slavonisation of the Croatian Glagolitic liturgical texts happened when the Croatian literature had already developed from Croatian coloquial language. Therefore the period of Eastern Slavonisation remained a limited »episode« in Croatian cultural and language history, which concluded without greater influence on the development of Croatian literary language.

With the precise analysis of the selected texts the author of the article proves that the literary monuments affected by the Eastern Slavonic language elements differed from the typical monuments of Croatian redaction of the Church Slavonic language mainly graphically (the authors of the missals and breviaries adjusted the Glagolitic alphabet to the appropriate Ciryllic alphabet in the Eastern Slavonic grammars of the Church Slavonic language and changed it according to the acknowledged standards of Greek orthography) and phonetically (the typical Croatian development elements of pre-Slavonic sounds and sound groups were replaced by the typical Eastern Slavonic elements). The Old Church Slavonic morphological standards are mainly preserved in all the monuments, except for the several suffixes (in nouns, adjectives, less in pronouns) which were graphically changed following the Eastern Slavonic orthographic standards, which were formed under the second Southern Slavonic influence. The Old Church Slavonic language forms are visible in the system of verbs (mostly in past tenses). The rare deviations from the expected the Old Church Slavonic verb scheme are in the present tense, imperative and in some participial forms.

The degree of Eastern Slavonisation is different from one monument to another. Missal 1631 and Missal 1706 graphically preserve the Glagolitic alphabet typical for the Croatian Orthodox printing house in Urach and show Croatian development elements of pre-Slavonic sounds. These monuments included (probably after the formation of missal) also rare Eastern Slavonic phonetical elements (for example the voicing of velar semi vowel in strong position). Both missals, therefore, still belong to the monuments od the Croatian redaction of the Church Slavonic language. The rest of the compared monuments (Breviary 1648 and Breviary 1688 and Karaman's monuments: Missal 1741 and Breviary 1791) belong to the monuments of Eastern Slavonic redaction of the Church Slavonic language because of the typical Eastern Slavonic graphical and language elements. Namely, in these monuments there are no elements of the Croatian language.


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