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Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Mihaela Koletnik

Glasoslovna in oblikoslovna podoba govora v Cresnjevcih
The Phonetic and Orthographic Characteristics of the Local Speech of Cresnjevci

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Vzhodno slovenskogorisko narecje, kamor spada cresnjevski govor, uvrscamo v panonsko narecno skupino. Znacilna zanj sta izguba tonemskih nasprotij in ohranjeno kolikostno nasprotje med starimi dolgimi cirkumflektiranimi in akutiranimi samoglasniki. Samoglasniski sestav vsebuje dolge naglasene i:, ü:, u:, :, :, e:, o:, a:, kratke naglasene: i, ü, u, , , e, a, in nenaglasene samoglasnike. Soglasniski sestav se od knjiznega razlikuje le v posameznih razvojih: l' > l, --- > -/-ja v naglasenem zlogu, sicer v -a; -m > -n; n' > n/; skupini cr- in zr-; tl, dl > kl, gl; dn > gn; sc > s; sk > sk-. Samostalniki s. sp. so v dv. in mn. mosko- ali zenskospolski. Pri pridevniku prevladuje dolocena oblika tudi za nedolocnost.


 - English synopsis

The local speech of Cresnjevci belongs to the Eastern Slovenske Gorice dialect and with it to the Panonic group of dialects. Typical of it are loss of tonemic oppositions and preservation of the quantitative opposition between the old long circumflexed and acute vowels. The vowel system contains the long stressed i:, ü:, u:, :, :, e:, o:, a:, the short stressed i, ü, u, , , e, a, and unstressed vowels. The consonant system differs from that of the standard language only in some individual developments: l' > l, - > -/-ja in stressed syllables, otherwise into -a; -m > -n; n' > n/; the complexes cr- and zr-; tl, dl > kl, gl; dn > gn; sc > s; sk > sk-. Neutral gender nouns in the dual and plural behave as if they were either masculin or feminin. Among adjectival forms, the definite form prevails also in indefinite meanings.

Neutral gender nouns preserve their gender and paradigm only in the plural; in the dual and plural they adopt either masculin or feminin forms. Uncountable nouns preserve the neutral gender. The dative and locative cases in the singular of masculin nouns end in , the dative and instrumental in the singular for all genders end in -ma, and the instrumental in the singular of feminin gender ends in -j. In the adjective, the definite form prevail also in indefinite meanings. The is no past perfect tense and no participial clauses. The first person dual suffix is -ma; formerly suffixless verbs get suffixes.


 - English summary

The local speech of Cresnjevci belongs to the Eastern Slovenske Gorice dialect, and with it to the Panonic group of dialects. It has no tonemic stress, but it has preserved the old quantitative opposition between long circumflexed and acute vowels.

The vowel system of the Cresnjevci speech contains the long stressed i:, ü:, u:, :, :, e:, o:, a:, the short stressed i, ü, u, , , e, a, and unstressed vowels. Vowel reduction is minimal, most frequently in the vicinity of sonorants.

The consonant system contains the sonorants l, m, r, n, j, , v (with the allophones f, ) and the obstruents p, t, k, s, s, b, d, g, z, z, c, f, c, x. It differs from that of the standard language only in individual developments: l' > l, - > -/-ja in stressed syllables, otherwise into > -a; -m > -n; n' > n/; v is [v] in front of a voiceless nezvocnik, while in word final position it is [f]; rhinism; the complexes cr- and zr-; tl, dl > kl, gl; dn > gn; sc > s; sk > sk-.

Neutral gender nouns preserve their gender and paradigm only in the plural; in the dual and plural they adopt either masculin or feminin forms. Uncountable nouns preserve the neutral gender. The dative and locative cases in the singular of masculin nouns end in , the dative and instrumental in the singular for all genders end in -ma, and the instrumental in the singular of feminin gender ends in -j. In the adjective, the definite form prevails also in indefinite meanings. There is no past perfect tense and no participial clauses. The first person dual suffix is -ma; formerly suffixless verbs get suffixes.


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