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Slovenska knjizevnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Metka Kordigel

Knjizevna vzgoja v vrtcu ali cesa naj se o knjizevnosti naucijo otroci v otroskem vrtcu
Literary Education in Kindergarten: What Should Kindergarten Children be Taught About Literature?

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Vpliv spodbudnega literarnoestetskega in jezikovnega okolja v najranejsem otrostvu ima izreden vpliv na razvoj otrokove jezikovne kompetence in na njegov osebnostni razvoj sploh. Poleg tega pozna sodobna civilizacija komaj kaksno uspesnejse sredstvo za generiranje clovekove humanosti kot je recepcija umetnosti in kreiranje lastnih domisljijskih svetov. Zato se zdi zgodnje sistematicno srecevanje z mladinsko knjizevnostjo v otroskem vrtcu smiselno in potrebno.


 - English synopsis

Growing up in an environment stimulating literary-aesthetic and language development in early childhood is of fundamental importance for the development of a child's linguistic competence and his or her personality. There is hardly a more efficient means of generating humanity in modern civilisation than reception of art and creation of one's own fictional worlds. This is what makes early systematic introduction to children's literature already in kindergarten sensible and necessary.


 - English summary

Encounters with children's literature in the pre-school period should be spontaneous and directed towards a creative voyage through literary worlds, but at the same time aiming at stimulating the child's receptive ability which would help him or her experience a literary work in all its aesthetic and emotional intensity. In literary didactics, objectives of literary education are classified as educational, functional and formative. The article focuses on the educational objectives of kindergarten literary education. Three groups of educational objectives are defined: (a) to be able to identify the communicative situation in reception of children's literature (which seems relevant for selecting an appropriate listening strategy); (b) to be able to identify formal properties of certain literary genres (which seems relevant for production of appropriate mind patterns and thus (co-)formation of horizons of expectations); and (c) to get acquainted with the canon of children's literature (which is relevant in terms of learning both about national identity and about the fundamental works of Slovene and world literature for children).


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