Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Boza Krakar - Vogel

Nacela prenove pouka knjizevnosti v predmaturitetnih programih
The Principles Underlying Renovation of Pre-matura Literature Programmes

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Clanek prikazuje nacela prenove pouka knjizevnosti v splosni srednji soli. Nacela so se izoblikovala ob upostevanju slovenske knjizevnodidakticne tradicije, opazovanju in raziskovanju prakse ter ob primerjanju z nekaterimi tujimi teorijami in praksami pouka knjizevnosti.


 - English synopsis

The article explains the principles underlying the renovation of teaching of literature in general secondary schools. They are based on traditional Slovene literary didactics, on observation of and research into practice, and comparison with some foreign theories and practices in teaching literature.


 - English summary

The article explains the principles underlying the curricular plan for the pre-matura teaching of literature. The plan is part of the over-all renovation of Slovene language and literature curriculum along the entire vertical. The principles are based on traditional Slovene views on teaching literature, on observation of practice, some empirical studies and comparisons with contemporary foreign theories and practices in teaching literature in general secondary schools. They are as follows: The basic objective of pre-matura teaching of literature is education of a cultivated and sophisticated reader, capable of reading various kinds of literature and accepting it as a creative field of the nation's and mankind's existence. This can be achieved gradually, through stimulating the student's complex mental (cognitive, emotional and imaginative) activities; through reading a certain number of compulsory, optional and individually selected, canonised and non-canonised authors and works, either in integral form or as excerpts; through fundamentals of literary theory; through drawing connections between works and their authors or stylistic and thematic characteristics of periods; through gradually increasing demands with regard to the students' activities and the complexity of literary analysis; through co-ordination of the curriculum and the design of readers, textbooks, manuals and the teaching process. The new curriculum will be better adjusted to the empirically tested time framework, and more complex in its cognitive intensity.


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