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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Irena Novak - Popov

Prispevek k analizi metafore v sonetu postmodernizma
A Contribution to the Analysis of the Post-modernist Sonnet Metaphor

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Razprava je posvecena segmentu sodobne slovenske poezije, in sicer sonetu. V tej stalni pesniski obliki bo predmet pozornosti organizacija vsebine, s katero se na najbolj zgoscen nacin uresnicuje bogastvo smisla. Razmerje med estetiko oblike in oblikovanjem pregnantne vsebine bo prikazano ob treh sodobnih pesnikih (B. A. Novak, M. Jesih, M. Dekleva), ki gojijo klasicni sonet, njihov sonetni opus pa je za slovensko poezijo razvojno relevanten. S tem se nadaljuje analiza, ki je bila za simpozij Sonet in sonetni venec opravljena na sonetih iz obdobij romantike, realizma, moderne, ekspresionizma, nove stvarnosti in povojnega modernizma.


 - English synopsis

The article discusses a segment of contemporary Slovene poetry, viz. the sonnet. It focuses on the organisation of content which allows for the most condensed expression of the rich meaning. The relation between the aesthetics of the form and the shaping of the pregnant content is illustrated using classical sonnets of three contemporary poets (B. A. Novak, M. Jesih, M. Dekleva) whose productions are significant in terms of their contribution to the development of Slovene poetry. Thus the article is a continuation of an earlier analysis of sonnets from the periods of romanticism, realism, modernism, expressionism, »New Reality« and post-war modernism conducted for the symposium on »the Sonnet and the Wreath of Sonnets«.


 - English summary

The contemporary Slovene sonnet is profoundly determined by the formal and content model established by France Preseren in the period of classical romanticism. After a subsequent stage of expansion and subjectivisation of the model there followed a parodic and elegiac decadence in the modernist period, while the last two decades have been witnessing a return to the established constants of the poetic tradition. Among the three most prominent poets of this period, Boris A. Novak writes sonnets in which the metaphoric imagination is subordinated to linguistic reflection and exploration of sound-meaning correspondences, and in his wreaths of sonnets it draws on the fairy tale and the myth, transformationally complementing a number of cultural metaphors to arrive at a sophisticated modern expression of existential dynamics. In Jesih's sonnets, imagination builds on a witty dialogue with various segments of tradition: from referring to basic conceptual metaphors to de-clicheisation of conventions, defamiliarisation of lyrical descriptivism and caricaturing of sublime intimacy. Syntactically and structurally complex texts are original mixtures of aesthetic poetic layers with fantasy, verism, sensuality, bizarre and everyday colloquialism, in a masterful re-stylisation of exhausted metaphorical possibilities. The paradoxical reflections of The Lame Sonnets (»Sepavi soneti«) by Dekleva tend towards the epigrammatic and aphoristic sonnet. They exploit semantic potentials of grammatical categories, blend poetic, technical and vulgar vocabulary, and use metaphors to build a new understanding of erotic, poetry and being into a myth-like poetic philosophy of a multi-sense, de-centred totality.


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