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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Tomaz Sajovic

Preseren, historizem in argumentacija
Preseren, Historism and Argumentation

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Izhodisce razprave predstavljajo nekatere pomembne znacilnosti soneta: oblikovna in vsebinska dvodelnost, argumentacija oziroma utemeljevanje pesnikovega spoznanja in ozivitev sonetne oblike ob koncu 18. in v 19. stoletju --- obdobju, ki ga je zaznamoval duhovni in umetnostni pojav historizma. Razprava skusa na zgledih iz slovenske pripovedne proze v drugi polovici 19. stoletja, Presernovih sonetov in na podlagi umetnostnozgodovinskih spoznanj z jezikoslovnimi metodami dokazati, da so v historizmu vse tri znacilnosti med seboj povezane in da se ta zmes zacne razkrajati sele s predhodnistvom moderne (Kersnik, Tavcar) in s samo moderno.


 - English synopsis

The starting point of the article is some important characteristics of the sonnet: the bipartite structure of form and content, argumentation and justification of the poet's insight, and the revival of the sonnet in late 18th and 19th century --- the period marked by historism as a spiritual and art phenomenon. Using examples from the Slovene narrative prose of the second half of the 19th century, Preseren's sonnets and premises of literary history, linguistic methods of analysis are applied in an attempt to show that in historism the three features come together and that the mixture begins to dissolve only in the pre-modernist (Kersnik, Tavcar) and modernist period.


 - English summary

Historism pervaded all forms of art in the 19th century (its beginnings go back into the 18th century, and it persisted in various forms well into the 20th century), but the most obvious and recognisable it was in architecture. Historist design was characterised by a tension between the function of architecture and its meaning, typically taking over forms and stylistic elements of earlier centuries. Historist architectural designed were used by the bourgeoisie after it has consolidated its economic status to achieve also an external recognition of the legitimate status of its power. Historist forms thus played an argumentative and ascendant role.

Slovene literature of the period developed in similar social circumstances. Slovene narrative prose of the second half of the 19th century has a more or less split structure. Texts frequently consist of a historistically (rhetorically) designed introductory part, characterised by an argumentative text pattern of the narrative thesis, more or less committed to the national, educational or moral needs (i.e. the narrator's comments), and the narration itself, which is designed --- less rhetorically than the introduction --- in a narrative text pattern and illustrates the thesis (it is no coincidence that great popularity is enjoyed at that time by the extreme version of such narrative, the so-called framework narrative).

A comparison of Murn's poem Zima (Winter, 1900), which is done exclusively in a descriptive text pattern --- modern discourse studies find that this pattern is usually included into other text patterns (e.g. narrative and argumentative), which implies its relatively dependent role in texts (it features on its own mainly in technical descriptions and instructions for use) --- without explicated or implicated mental and ideational content, with Presern's sonnets reveals their patent historist design. The sonnet, which first culminated in the Renaissance period, became very popular again in the historist period. In its purest rendering --- bipartite in form and content, with the final idea clearly expressed in an argumentative way by an example in the quatrains --- it is an almost prototypical confirmation of what is characteristic of historist design. Presern's idea of sonnetism, closely connected with the national idea, also confirms the social role that it played.

The article emphasises the shaping of the modern awareness of linguistic shaping of literary texts brought about by the historist functionalisation of past stylistic forms and procedures, and the resulting significance of linguistic research into the language of literary works.


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