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Polona Gantar

Skladenjska in pomenskosestavinska tipologija glagolskih in prislovnih rekel
Syntactic and Semantic Componential Typology of Verbal and Adverbial Phrasemes

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Presojanje glagolskih rekel s skladenjskega vidika nam omogoca locevanje prostih besednih zvez od frazeoloskih, in sicer glede na stopnjo pomenske blokiranosti desnega aktantskega mesta; to je namrec lahko omejeno zgolj z imenskimi kategorijami ali pa doloceno s konkretnim pomenom; v zvezi s tem se odpira tudi vprasanje omejevanja glagolskega rekla --- odvisnost pomena glagolskega frazema od osebkovega mesta napoveduje stavcni frazem --- recenico.

Tipologija prislovnih rekel prinasa temeljne pomenske skupine, ki ustrezajo prostim prislovnim besednim zvezam, na podlagi skladenjskih razmerij med prvinami prislovnih rekel pa je mogoce ugotoviti (a) frazeolosko vkljucenost ali izkljucenost pomenskega jedra, (b) razpoznavnost besedne zveze kot frazeoloske in (c) potencialno vecpomenskost prislovnih rekel v odvisnosti od glagolskega jedra.


 - English synopsis

A syntactic analysis of verbal phrasemes allows us to distinguish between simple and phraseological units, the criterion being the degree of semantic constraint on the right argument position; this position can be either constrained only with nominal categories or semantically specified; this raises the questions of the limitations of the verbal phraseme, the semantic dependence of the verbal phraseme on the subject position suggesting the existence of a clausal phraseme (»recenica« in Slovene).

A typological classification of adverbial phrasemes contains basic semantic groups corresponding to simple adverbial phrases, while the syntactic relations among their constituents allow us to recognise (a) phraseological inclusion/ exclusion of the semantic nucleus; (b) the phraseological nature of a phrase, and (c) potential polysemy of adverbial phrasemes depending on the verbal nucleus.


 - English summary

In a syntactic typology of verbal phrasemes (in Slovene: glagolsko reklo), the transitivity of the verbal nucleus can be used to establish certain structural types corresponding to simple verbal phrases, while their phraseological (or non-phraseological) nature can be determined on the basis of the nominal categories in the argument positions: non-transitive verbs are phrasemically determined by the obligatory property of the verbal action, e.g. lije kot iz skafa (= it's bucketing), while in transitive patterns the fact that the meaning of the verbal phraseme depends on the left argument (the subject position) suggests the existence of a clausal phraseme (in Slovene: recenica), e.g. (Nominh-) imeti noge (= have legs) 'disappear in a mysterious way'.

With regard to the right transitivity, at least two subgroups can be distinguished, differing in the degree of semantic constraints for the right-position argument. The latter may be (a) constrained only by nominal categories, e.g. pospraviti (Acch-) 'put away', vs. pospraviti (Acch+) 'kill'; or (b) by the specific meaning of the noun, e.g. tehtati paket 'weigh a parcel' vs. tehtati situacijo (= weigh the situation) 'evaluate the situation'. In di-transitive verbal phrasemes, only one position may be constrained by nominal categories only, while the other has to be semanticised, e.g. presekati komuh+ pot (= cut to somebody the way), vreci komuh+ kost (= throw to somebody a bone). Verbal phrasemes with verbs of incomplete predication are determined by the relation between the source verb of the verbal phrase and the verb that in the analysis of the semantic componential structure appears in the position of the classifying semantic constituent (CSC): the verbal primitive in this position is the criterion that helps us to dinstinguish between verbal phrasemes with auxiliary verbs, e.g. dati roko na srce (= put the hand on the heart) 'be sincere': CSC biti (be), DSC odkritosrcen (sincere); from verbal phrasemes with a semantically weakened verb, e.g. preiti k stvari (= come to the point) 'speak about the crucial things': CSC spregovoriti (start talking), DSC o bistvenem (about the crucial things). Verbal phrasemes containing auxiliary verbs can be further divided with regard to the inclusion or exclusion of the semantic nucleus of the phraseme into endocentric (»povedkovnik« --- phrasemes) e.g. biti redkih besed (= be of scant words), CSC biti (be), DSC molcec (not talkative) and exocentric, e.g. imeti karakter (= have character), CSC biti (be), DSC dosledna, karakterna oseba (a person of character).

Analysis of the formal structure of adverbial phrasemes shows (a) that the phraseological nature of such a unit depends on the verbal nucleus: na crno delati (= on black work), 'to work illegally, to moonlight' vs. na crno pobarvati (= on black paint) 'to paint black); (b) that there is potential polysemy in the case of a changed verbal nucleus: v tri dni govoriti (into three days speak) 'to blabber', vs. v tri dni se voziti (into three days drive) 'to drive around aimlessly).

A semantic typology of adverbial phrasemes contains examples of all major semantic groups of simple adverbial phrases, e.g. of place: od vseh koncev (= from all sides) 'from everywhere', time: od suba (= of a shot) 'immediately', manner: iz srca (= from the heart) 'sincerely', degree: do pikice (= to the smallest dot) 'completely', cause: po neumnem (= from silliness) 'stupidly', purpose za pod zob (= for under the tooth) 'to eat', comparison: kot bomba (= like a bomb) 'unexpectedly'.


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