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Slovenska knjizevnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Ljubica Crnivec

Pouk slovenscine kot tujega jezika
A Model Teaching Unit of Slovene as a Second Language

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Clanek predstavlja poskusno ucno enoto, ki je bila v letu 1990 preizkusena pri slovenskem dopolnilnem pouku v Nemciji. Enota sestoji iz gradiva za ucence v heterogenih razredih (6 dvojnih strani: ilustracija in tekstovni del) in iz prirocnika za ucitelja z idejami za uporabo tako zasnovanega gradiva.


 - English synopsis

The article presents a model teaching unit which was tested in 1990 in Slovene language classes in Germany. The unit consists of 6 double pages (illustrations and language models) of material for the students, as well as a teacher's manual with ideas on how to apply the material in the classroom.


 - English summary

This model teaching unit was prepared in autumn 1989 within Unesco's project for maintaining national identity of emigrants in Europe, on the basis of their mother tongue as a medium of instruction.

The material was tested in 1990 in four Slovene language classes in Germany. It observes the classroom reality characteristic of the Slovene language instruction all over Europe: students of different age and levels of knowledge, relatively small numbers, only one session per week (in their spare time). As a rule, children are familiar with a specific idiom of Slovene spoken at home, whereas the language of their environment is non-Slovene. Life in another country makes their experiential world different from that of their peers at home.

The topics chosen relate to everyday life (clothing, colours, possesion; location; time-weather-seasons-clothing for different opportunities; I/myself and independence), and the speech models offered are as universal as possible. These children belong to two cultural spheres, and the material for maintaining their mother tongue/culture should enable them to move freely from one to another. Specific features can be acquired during the complementary, and as a rule short immersions in the world of their parents during their regular or sporadic visits home.

Consequently the teaching material is designed so that it allows starting and exiting at any point, narrowing or expanding of the models, and individual assignments. It enables individual pace. Because of the nature of heterogenous classes, neither the same level of knowledge nor the same pace of acquisition are expected at any stage.

The material does not comprise grammatical and lexical sections. However, it is accompanied by the teachers' manual with methodical guidelines on how to apply the material in the classroom, how to stimulate communication and make language aquisition and teaching more agreeable.


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