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Slovenska knjizevnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Andreja Markovic, Natasa Pirih

Seminar in delavnica 'Tujejezicno ucbenisko gradivo in aplikacija na slovenscino'
The Seminar and Workshop on Foreign Language Textbooks and Their Application to the Slovene Language

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V clanku je predstavljena analiza izbranega tujejezicnega ucbeniskega gradiva, ki so jo v studijskem letu 1995/96 naredile lektorice v Celoletni soli slovenskega jezika pri Centru za slovenscino kot drugi/tuji jezik. Analiza je bila novembra 1995 predstavljena na seminarju permanentnega izobrazevanja lektorjev. V okviru tega seminarja je bila izvedena tudi delavnica, v kateri so udelezenci oblikovali vzorce ucbeniskega gradiva, primernega za poucevanje in ucenje slovenscine kot tujega jezika.


 - English synopsis

The article is an analysis of a selection of foreign language textbooks carried out in the academic year 1995/96 by the Slovene language teachers for the Year-Long Course of Slovene at the Centre for the Slovene Language as a Second/ Foreign Language. The analysis was presented at the seminar for continuing education of teachers of Slovene as a foreign language in November 1995. A part of the seminar was also a workshop in which the participants designed samples of textbook materials for teaching and learning Slovene as a foreign language.


 - English summary

In the academic year 1995/96 the teachers of the Year-Long School at the Centre for the Slovene Language as a Second/ Foreign Language analysed several textbooks of English, French, German and Italian as a foreign language. The analysis included the titles, authors, structure of the course package, structure of the textbook, structure of the unit, types of texts featuring in the books, types of exercises, recurring topics and communication functions. The analysis was presented at a seminar for continuing education of teachers of Slovene as a foreign language. At the same seminar, a model lesson of the French language based on one of the models from the material under analysis was demonstrated, as well as pair teaching. The analysis of the textbook material and the demonstration of the two models was intended as information for teachers of Slovene as a foreign language on new approaches to using existing material and ways of applying analysis of foreign models as stimulation in this teaching. The participants of the workshop accompanying the seminar produced their own Slovene teaching material. Using the model of pair work in teaching English, two groups produced analogous material for teaching Slovene. Two groups used the model lesson of French to design a lesson of Slovene. All the groups had to define the communicative objectives, communication patterns and grammatical structures to be addressed in the course of an activity/ lesson.


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