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Dusan Cop

O rastlinskih imenih na Gorenjskem
Botanical Names in Gorenjsko (Upper Carniola)

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Vsebina clanka se nanasa na nekatera rastlinska imena na Gorenjskem, za katera uporabljajo domacini skoraj v vsakem kraju drugacno ime ali obliko. Avtor zeli opozoriti na napacno rabo oziroma obliko nekaterih od teh imen (skrobotec oziroma osec, kurjica oziroma teloh) v ze pred leti objavljenih clankih v reviji Proteus.


 - English synopsis

The article refers to several botanical names for which the local people are in the habit of using in nearly every village either a different name or name-form. The author wishes to remind of the wrong use of some of these names and name-forms respectively in the articles published years ago in the natural-science periodical PROTEUS.


 - English summary

The author who has long been searching for botanical (as well as place-) names in Upper Carniola, being in close touch with the local people of this part of Slovenia, has discovered a great many botanical names that have not been, up to this time, known in the scientific circles of this country. It is particularly interesting that for many a plant (flower) is used, in nearly every place, a different name, even several different names. It is well to be seen with many otherwise everywhere known plants which are mentioned in the article: Birdsfoot-Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), Columbine (Aquilegia), Globe Flower (Trollius europaeus), Crocus, Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale) etc.

For all that among the people of a part of this region, another characteristic name for the Crocus (and Autumn Crocus) is known: »Kocun« (very probably of Old-Slavonic origin) and in the same villages the name »gro(n)selse« is used for »brusnica / Cowberry« (Vaccinium vitis --- idaea).

Strictly speaking, the above mentioned is an introduction to the main part of this short treatise: skrobotec / Yellow - Rattle (Rhinanthus or Alectorolophus) is nearly everywhere in Upper Carniola familiarly called »wos()c« or »wosc«. On the other hand some botanists in this plain name see the name of »ranjak« (Anthyllis v.) which is not right.

The second matter which the author is writing about further on is the correct way of writing the native name for such flowers as »teloh« / Christmas Rose, Hellebore (Helleborus niger), namely »kurjica«, which can't be written without the letter -j-, »kurica« consequently. The author of the article proves it by pointing out several examples of other familiar botanical names with the same matter in question.


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