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Slovenska knjizevnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Marija Mercina

Govoriti slovenscino je prijetno in (/ni pa) lahko
(Jezikovni tecaj slovenscine za odrasle v Novi Gorici)

Speaking Slovenian is Pleasant and (/But Not) Easy
(A Course of Slovenian Language for Adults in Nova Gorica)

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V porocilu je predstavljeno delo clanov skupine odraslih v okviru Univerze za tretje zivljenjsko obdobje. Skupina se je ustanovila po TV-oddaji o ogrozenosti slovenscine, da bi izboljsali svoje jezikovno znanje in jezikovno kulturo, Delo je potekalo v obliki pogovora in vaj ob temah: jezikovna pravila, »lepa slovenscina«, kultura v novogoriskem okolju, sodobna knjizevnost, polozaj slovenscine v javnosti.

V odgovorih na vprasanja ob koncu tecaja navajajo kot zanimive teme: »slovenscina v javnosti, casopisni clanki o polozaju slovenscine, poglabljanje in urejanje znanja o jeziku in zivljenju, govorjeni jezik, sodobna poezija, podeljevanje Skrabcevih nagrad, film Nej gre use v PMD o gojencih Mladinskega prehodnega doma v Jarsah, zivljenjepisi znanih Slovencev.« Ocenjujejo, da jim je tecaj omogocil »prijetna dozivetja ob branju, dvig samozavesti in boljse pocutje, dvig narodne zavesti, boljse odzivanje na zahteve sodobnega zivljenja, razumevanje sodobnih jezikovnih razpravljanj in izboljsanje jezikovne kulture.«


 - English synopsis

The article is a report on the work of an adult group within The Third Age University, an educational program for the elderly. The group was founded after a TV program on the dangers threatening the Slovenian language of today, and its aim was to improve the participants' knowledge of language and language culture. In a series of discussions and practical exercises, the following topics were taken up: language rules, »proper Slovenian«, cultural life in the Nova Gorica area, contemporary literature, position of Slovenian in public life.

At the end of the course, the participants were asked to fill in an evaluation questionnaire. Among the topics that they found the most interesting were: »Slovenian in public life, newspaper articles on the position of Slovenian, improving and organizing knowledge on language and life, spoken language, contemporary poetry, Skrabec awards for contributions to the Slovenian language, the film on the Transition Shelter Home for the Young in Ljubljana (»F... Life«), biographies of important persons from Slovenia's past and present«. They believed that the course had brought them: »pleasant reading experiences, higher confidence and a better general feeling, greater national pride, better response to demands of contemporary life, understanding of current language debates, and higher language culture«.


 - English summary

The report presents a 20-hour language course, its design, content and methods. The participants joined the course in order to »improve their knowledge and speech culture, contribute to better human relations and awareness of national identity, and to enjoy pleasant moments of reading«.

The course leader and the participants agreed that the work would proceed in the form of discussions and practical exercises. The topics included: language rules, »proper Slovenian«, cultural life in the Nova Gorica area, contemporary literature, position of Slovenian in public life.

At the end of the course, the participants found most topics interesting:

»Slovenian in public life, newspaper articles on the position of Slovenian, improving and organizing knowledge on language and life, spoken language, contemporary poetry, Skrabec awards for contributions to the Slovenian language, the film on the Transition Shelter Home for the Young in Ljubljana (»F... Life«), biographies of important persons from Slovenia's past and present«. They believed that the course had brought them: »pleasant reading experiences, higher confidence and a better general feeling, greater national pride, better response to demands of contemporary life, understanding of current language debates, and higher language culture«.


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