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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Boris Paternu

Dve fazi baroka v slovenski poeziji
Two Stages of Baroque in Slovenian Poetry

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Primerjava dveh faz baroka v slovenski posvetni poeziji --- prve ob Antonu Feliksu Devu (1732-1786), druge pri zgodnjem Francetu Presernu (1800-1849) --- je usmerjea k opazovanju deikticne stilizacije (se posebej metaforske amplifikacije) in njenih sprememb na razvojni poti od poznega baroka (Dev) h klasiciziranemu baroku (Preseren).


 - English synopsis

Two stages of Baroque in Slovenian secular poetry --- one exemplified by Anton Feliks Dev (1732-1786) and the other by early France Preseren (1800-1849) --- are compared. The analysis focuses on deictic stylization (especially on metaphorical amplification) and its transformations from late Baroque (Dev) to classicist Baroque (Preseren).


 - English summary

The beginnings of Slovenian secular poetry in the second half of the 18th century were marked by Baroque. Its first notable representative was monk Anton Feliks Dev (1732-1786). The poem Pudelbal (1780), selected as a representative example of his poetry, has a whole range of basic features of the Baroque style, especially in the deictic metaphor and phonetic imagery. A second, less archaic and esthetically more sophisticated stage of Baroque, features in the early poetry of France Preseren (1800-1849). Representative of his writing in the 1820s, before he embraced classical Romanticism, is the poem Zvezdogledom (1825-1826). It is written in the Baroque or rather Rococo style of an extremely dynamic kind and with high artistic culture both in its metaphorical language and in phonetic instrumentation. However, in Preseren's poetry, the Baroque-Rococo stylization is already strongly rationalized, delimited and classicized (Dekletom, 1827).

Both stages of Baroque in Slovenian poetry, that of Dev and that of Preseren, share the same deep motivation, awareness of national identity. Their poetry was inspired by a powerful desire to create a highly cultivated poetic language as a proof and confirmation of Slovenian national identity. In these efforts, Dev remained on the level of a cultivated average, while Preseren already in his early Baroque episode rose to the level of estheticaly sophisticated, sovereign poetry.


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