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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Mojca Schlamberger Brezar

Analiza pogajalskega sporazumevanja
Analysis of Negotiation in Communiciation

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Pogajanje je po definiciji izmenjava, s katero pridemo do soglasja, in zato splosna sestavina sporazumevanja. V clanku so opisani predmeti pogajanja in mozne pogajalske strategije, dolocene na podlagi diskurzivne analize. Opisom sledijo prikazi iz avtenticnih pogajalskih sporazumevanj.


 - English synopsis

Negotiation is defined as an exchange leading to an agreement, which makes it a general component of communication. The article describes objects of negotiation and possible negotiating strategies as determined on the basis of discourse analysis. These descriptions are followed by examples of authentic negotiation.


 - English summary

Negotiations, which are nowadays a common social fact, are linguistically determined. They are defined as exchanges leading to an agreement and they are a constituent element of communication.

In the first part of the article, negotiation in communication is defined following the model of the Geneve school and exemplified by samples of negotiation simulations.

The second part deals with objects of negotiation, which may be either the form of interaction and language to be used in negotiation, the content of interaction, which focuses on the topic of exchange, the meaning of exchanged signs and opinions, the structure of interaction, and negotiation on identities and positions.

Part three discusses the concept of strategies. Main negotiating positions are described: modal, argumentative and negotiative (according to linguistic devices used).

Negotiations happen on different levels, guiding and determining dialogic arrangements necessary for an exchange to be completed. Without them, dialogue turns into monologue and the function of the interlocutor is reduced to that of the receiver of message.


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