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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Drago Unuk

Dialektologija kot jezikoslovna disciplina
Dialectology as a Linguistic Discipline

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prispevek predstavlja dialektologijo kot jezikoslovno disciplino, ki znanstveno raziskuje t. i. narecja na lokalnem (zemljepisnem, teritorialnem, krajevnem) obmocju, in polozaj dialektologije v sodobni komunikacijski in migracijski povezanosti govorcev (prisotnost nove predmetno-pojmovne stvarnosti in komunikacijska kompetenca narecja).


 - English synopsis

The article discusses dialectology as a linguistic discipline which studies the so-called dialects on local (geographical, teritorial, regional) area and the place of dialectology in modern communicative and migratory interaction of speakers (the presence of new material and notional reality and communicative competence of dialects).


 - English summary

A dialect is a relatively stable structural linguistic unit used in spontaneous communication by the autochtonous population of a geographically delimited region. Dialectology is a linguistic discipline studying local variants of non-normed language (of spontaneous speech of a territory). Its research is based on material collected in field work with the help of informants and various methods: direct contact, indirect contact (questionnaires) and, rarely, covert contact. Empirical work (research design, planning field work and collecting dialectal material) is followed by theoretical elaboration and generalisation.

Synchronical dialectology studies the whole of a language system. It explores communicative and migratory interaction of a population, taking into account territorial and social differentation, recent social and economic migrations, the impact of other language variants, esp. of standard literary language (education, media and daily migrations) and of the presence of new material and conceptual reality and communicative competence of dialects.


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