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Slovenska knjizevnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Mojca Schlamberger Brezar

Pogajanja v pedagoskem sporazumevanju
Negotiation in Pedagogical Discourse

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Pogajanja v pedagoskem sporazumevanju so predvsem pogajanja o skupni predmetnosti in o mnenjih. Dolocena so s pragmaticnimi okviri Griceovih sporazumevalnih pravil, Leechevega vljudnostnega nacela ter nacel stroska in koristi ter pravic in dolznosti. Analiza ucne ure prikazuje obstojece stanje udelezbe ucitelja in ucencev v pedagoskem sporazumevanju. Podani so predlogi za izboljsanje obstojecih razmer v skladu s teorijo pogajanj.


 - English synopsis

In pedagogical discourse, negotiations are primarily negotiations about common ground and opinions. They are defined in terms of the pragmatical framework of Grice's conversational maxims, Leech's principle of politeness, and the cost-benefit and right-duty principles. A lesson is analysed along these lines to get a picture of teacher and student participation in pedagogical discourse. There follow suggestions for improving this situation in line with the theory of negotiation discourse.


 - English summary

Negotiation as a method of reaching an agreement is characteristic of any communication, thus also of pedagogical interaction. The circumstances and objects of negotiation in pedagogical discourse are determined by the teacher --- student relations and are mainly restricted to negotiating common ground and opinions.

Negotiation in pedagogical discourse is determined also by pragmatics, the main factors there being Grice's conversational maxims, Leech's principle of politeness, and the cost-benefit and right-duty principles. This last principle is discussed more in detail.

Analysis of pedagogical discourse during a lesson shows that negotiation proper is present only marginally and that it mainly concerns common ground, which has to be determined within the scope of the teacher's expectations: the teacher asks questions, which predetermine the students' answers; they will depend on what the teacher wants to hear from students. In classroom interaction, students are represented with 28 percent of utterances per class, not per individual student. In consequence, suggestions are given along the lines of the theory of negotiation for improving the student's participation, in order to make him/ her the active subject of the learning process.


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