Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Igor Saksida

Izhodisca in predlogi za zunanje preverjanje bralne sposobnosti
The Philosophy of and Suggestions for External Testing of the Reading Ability

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Ob premikih v razumevanju pomena branja ter kurikularnem nacrtovanju pouka knjizevnosti bo potrebno ponovno opredeliti tudi smisel in podobo zakljucnega preverjanja bralne sposobnosti. Clanek na podlagi sodobnejsih teoreticnih izhodisc odgovorja na vprasanje, kaj je mogoce meriti s poustvarjalnimi besedili, kakrsno je solski esej.


 - English synopsis

Recent shifts in our understanding of the importance of reading and current work on new literary curricula call for revision of the aims and purpose of the final reading ability testing. Referring to contemporary theories, the article discusses what can be measured with recreative texts such as the school essay.


 - English summary

Against the backdrop of recent changes in literary curricula, the article addresses a number of pertaining questions: can the existing form of testing be related to the new curricular drafts, what is the philosophy behind reading ability testing, what can re-created texts 'measure', and which foreign models, besides our own experience, can be of help in designing the new system. The objective type of testing, which covers only literary knowledge, is challenged by the concept of relative objectivity in know<->ledge testing, which should be combined with students' creativity and subjective response. The suggested basis for objective evaluation is a set of detailed criteria for essay scoring. These criteria are summed up in the final part of the article. The article also discusses dialogic reading as a type of exercise, questions literary classes programming based on literary history, and advocates optional approach in discussing literary texts in the classroom.


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