Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Jerica Vogel

Poslusanje pri pouku knjizevnosti
Listening in Literature Classes Abstract

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Poslusanje je temeljna, pogosta in pomembna sporazumevalna dejavnost, zato je sposobnost poslusanja ena od bistvenih sestavin celovite sporazumevalne zmoznosti. Danes vemo, da ni samodejna, temvec da se je je treba nauciti prav tako kot npr. branja ali pisanja. Iz teh spoznanj izhaja tudi prenova pouka slovenskega jezika in knjizevnosti, saj v ucne nacrte vkljucuje poslusanje tako neumetnostnih kot umetnostnih besedil. Tu nas najprej teoreticno in nato prakticno zanima, kako se lahko poslusanje uresnicuje pri pouku knjizevnosti.


 - English synopsis

Listening in a basic, frequent and important communicative activity. This makes the ability to listen one of the fundamental components of the total communicative capacity. It is nowadays recognised that the listening ability is not automatic, that it has to be learnt the same way as e.g. the ability to read or write. Accepting this fact, the current reform of the Slovene language and literature curricula has introduced practicing listening to both literary and non-literary texts. The paper deals with theoretical and practical aspects of teaching listening in literature classes.


 - English summary

Listening is a very important activity in the process of communication. Oral communication is not possible without the listening ability being fully developed. Active listening has to be learnt in the same way as speaking, reading or writing, and not only in language classes, which provide opportunities for its direct development, but also in all other classes. With their funcional diversity of speech and students' active contact with texts and the teacher, literature classes may be a particularly stimulating context for developing various forms of spoken communication (speaking-listening) and different kinds of listening. When students listen to monologic texts and participate in discussion, not only interpretative and situational, but also responsive listening is systematically developed.

A new curriculum itself will not automatically result in a systematic and efficient development of the listening ability. Teachers need to change their attitude towards listening and their listening habits. They need to learn to listen to their students more. Not interrupting the speaker, accepting his/her topic of conversation, attentive listening to what (s)he is saying all make part of cultivated listening both in classes and in all aspects of life.


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