Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Gregor Kocijan

Cankarjev prostorski trikotnik
Cankar's Space Triangle

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Predstavljen je Cankarjev zivljenjski prostor, ki se je raztezal od Vrhnike prek Ljubljane do Dunaja (biografska sestavina), in toposi v njegovem literarnem delu, ki so prav tako zamejeni z omenjenim trikotnikom. Pri Cankarju je treba upostevati, da so kraji (in se posebej pokrajina) podrejeni njegovemu dozivljanju in razpolozenju in po pravilu v vlogi simbolicnega paralelizma.


 - English synopsis

The article presents the space lived in by Ivan Cankar and extending from Vrhnika through Ljubljana to Vienna (the biographic component) and topi in his literature, which are also caught within this triangle. In Cankar's writing, places (and especially countryside) are subordinated to his personal experience and mood, and typically appear in the function of symbolic parallelism.


 - English summary

Cankar's living and writing space is the Vrhnika --- Ljubljana --- Vienna triangle. In each of these places he spent parts of his life, and each of them left visible traces in his work. Vrhnika and its surroundings appear in his literature from early short stories to Podobe iz sanj (Images from Dreams) and especially in his novels Na klancu (On the Hill), Kriz na gori (The Cross on the Mountain), Martin Kacur, and others. Ljubljana and Vienna are also settings for many of his short texts from Vinjete (Vignettes) to Podobe iz sanj, as well as his longer stories and novels; Ljubljana in Tujci (Strangers), Kurent (The Kurent), Nina; Vienna in Tujci, Hisa Marije Pomocnice (The House of Mary Our Helper). Cankar travelled quite a lot, but not over large distances. It can be said with certainty that places he lived in or visited are in a way present in his literature. But it should be born in mind that in his imagination, objective reality acquired properties reflecting his subjective experience and mood. In other words, places received Cankarean traits, and these in turn speak about their creator.


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