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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Terezija Jambrovic, Anica Marincic, Primoz Juznic

Bibliometrijska analiza revije Jezik in slovstvo
Bibliometric Analysis of The Jezik in Slovstvo

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Bibliometrijska analiza revije Jezik in slovstvo je prva te vrste pri nas in njene rezultate bi morali razlagati v sodelovanju s strokovnjaki z analiziranega raziskovalnega podrocja. Analiza je tudi priprava za predlagano sistematicno bibliometrijsko obdelavo slovenskih znanstvenih revij, ki iz razumljivih vzrokov niso indeksirane v mednarodnih indeksih citiranja, po metodologiji, ki jih ti indeksi uporabljajo. Tako bi zbrali podatke o odmevnosti objav raziskovalnega dela tudi na podrocjih, ki so bila do sedaj brez teh podatkov.


 - English synopsis

The present bibliometric analysis of the Slavonic studies journal Jezik in slovstvo is the first of its kind in Slovenia. Its results should be interpreted only in co-operation with experts from the field being analysed. It may also serve as a pilot study for possible future systematic analysis of Slovene scientific journals and magazines, which are for obvious reasons not indexed in international citation indexes. The model of analysis uses the methodology of these indexes. The objective of such an analysis would be obtaining information on the impact and visibility of published research data also in those fields that have so far not been scrutinised by bibliometric instruments.


 - English summary

Over the last decade, bibliometric measurements of publishing results of scientific research have been gaining ground as a method of gathering data about scientific disciplines. The present bibliometric analysis of the Slavic studies journal Jezik in slovstvo is the first of its kind in Slovenia, with unavoidable limitations. Like any other bibliometric analysis, it should be used or its results interpreted only in co-operation with experts from the field being analysed. It may also serve as a pilot study for possible future systematic analysis of Slovene scientific journals and magazines, which are for obvious reasons not indexed in international citation indexes. The model of analysis uses the methodology of these indexes. The objective of such an analysis would be obtaining data on the impact and visibility of published research data also in those fields that have so far not been scrutinised by bibliometric instruments.


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