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Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Monika Kalin Golob

Limonadnica, odbiratelj in drugo slovensko komunikolosko izrazje
Limonadnica, Odbiratelj and Other Slovene Communicological Terms

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Letos marca je pri zalozbi Fakultete za druzbene vede izsla Komunikoloska hrestomatija 2, namenjeno seznanitvi s temeljnimi komunikoloskimi razpravami prve polovice 20. stoletja. Ob prevajanju za to delo se je porodila ideja o poenotenju slovenskih komunikoloskih izrazov. Konec leta 1998 je bila zato v okviru Komunikoloskega drustva Slovenije ustanovljena Komunikoloska terminoloska sekcija. Njena prva naloga je, da ob prevajanju temeljne anglesko pisane komunikoloske literature, ki je studijsko gradivo za studente komunikologije, usklajuje, tvori in predlaga slovensko strokovno izrazje za poimenovanje pojmovnega in predmetnega sveta vede, ki se ukvarja z raziskovanjem sporocanja.


 - English synopsis

In March this year, the Faculty of Social Sciences published the second volume of Communicological Chrestomathy, which brings seminal communicological texts of the first half of the 20th century. When the texts were being translated, it was suggested something ought to be done to provide for a more uniform Slovene communicological terminology. As a result, the Section for Communicological Terminology was established at the Slovene Communicological Society in 1998. The section's first task is to coordinate, produce and suggest Slovene terms for the conceptual and material world of the science of communication, primarily on the basis of translating from English basic communicological literature for students of communicology.


 - English summary

The article presents a few months' work of the Section for Communicological Terminology, established in 1998 by the Slovene Communicological Society. The section's first task is to coordinate, produce and suggest Slovene terms for the conceptual and material world of the science of communication, primarily on the basis of translating from English basic communicological literature for students of communicology.

The translation work has not proceeded in any systematic way and translation problems have been solved individually, without a general framework design, because it was felt that first it was necessary to determine basic concepts and have them settle in. As a consequence, the description of the work done so far is also necessarily unsystematic. Examples are given of how words are grouped into topic-related clusters with the aim of achieving an internally coherent treatment. Two alphabetically ordered lists are added: List I contains alphabetically ordered original and borrowed terms in one column, with words accepted as communicological terms at the other side of the arrow; List II is a converted version of the former. The section's future plans are quite ambitious: to continue translating fundamental literature for further volumes of Chrestomathy and to intensify the terminological work, so that a dictionary of communicological terms could be published within the next five years.


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