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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
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Darinka Soban

Nekaj Presernovih pesmi v svedskem prevodu Alfreda Jansena
A Few Poems by France Preseren Translated Into Swedish by Alfred Jensen in 1895

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Kratki predstavitvi svedskega pesnika in esejista Alfreda Jensena (1859- 1921) sledi slovenski prevod njegovega eseja o Presernu, ki je bil objavljen v Stockholmu leta 1895.


 - English synopsis

A short presentation of the Swedish poet and essayist Alfred Jensen (1859-1921) is followed by the Slovenian translation of his essay on France Preseren, originally published in Stockholm in 1895.


 - English summary

The article deals with A. Jensen's translations into Swedish of a number of F. Preseren's poems in the Swedish journal for science and art Nordisk tidskrift in 1895. A. Jensen was an enthousiastic student of Slavic languages and translator of Slavic literature. He was also the first secretary for Slavic literatures at the Swedish Academy Nobel Institute. --- The article also includes a Slovene translation of Jensen's essay on Preseren, which calls for further studies.


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