Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Mihaela Koletnik

Govor pri Sv. Trojici v Slovenskih goricah
The Speech of Sv. Trojica in Slovenske Gorice

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Trojiski govor spada k vzhodnemu slovenskogoriskemu podnarecju, sirse k panonski narecni skupini. Govor ne pozna tonemskih nasprotij, kolikostno nasprotje pa je se ohranjeno. Soglasniski sistem se od knjiznega razlikuje le v posameznih razvojih. V pregibanju prevladuje nepremicni naglasni tip na osnovi. Tvorba zlozenih povedi se bistveno ne razlikuje od knjizne tvorbe.


 - English synopsis

The speech of Sv. Trojica belongs to the Eastern Slovenske gorice subdialect, and with it to the Panonic dialect group. The speech does not have tonemic oppositions, but it has preserved the quantitative opposition. The consonant system differs from that of standard Slovene only in a few individual developments. Accidence paradigms predominantly have the movable accent on the base. In the formation of compound and complex sentences it does not significantly depart from standard Slovene.


 - English summary

The speech of Sv. Trojica belongs to the Eastern Slovenske gorice subdialect, which makes part of the Panonic dialect group. The speech does not have tonemic oppositions, but it has preserved the quantitative opposition between long monophthongs or diphthongs as developments of permanently long vowels on the one hand, and short vowels as developments of old and newly acuted vowels in nonfinal and final or single syllables. The vowel system of the speech of Sv. Trojica is made up of the long stressed vowels i:, ü:, u:, , o: , short stressed vowels i, ü, u, and short unstressed vowels i/. Vowel reduction is not very extensive; the most common vowels to disappear in the unstressed position next to sonorants are i, and .

The consonant system includes the sonorants l, r, m, n, j, and v with the variant , and the nonsonorants p, t, k, s, s, b, d, g, z, z, c, f, c and x. It departs from the standard Slovene system only in a few individual developments; l' > l; -m > - n; n' > n/; v; is [v], before voiceless consonants while in the final position it is /f/; the groups cr- and zr- are preserved; pt > ft; dn > gn; tl, kl > kl, gl; sk > sk; sc > s.

Neuter nouns preserve their gender and conjugation type only in the singular; in the dual and in the plural they get either feminine or masculine endings. The dative and the locative in the singular masculine have the ending -, while the dative and the instrumental for all genders has the ending -oma. In the adjectival category, the definite form tends to be used also for the indefinite meaning. The Sv. Trojica speech has no Past Perfect Tense and no participial clauses. The first person dual ends in -ma; formerly suffixless verbs are nowadays suffixed.

The speech of Sv. Trojica has all the mechanisms of utterance formation. Compound and complex sentences are formed in a similar way as in standard Slovene.


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