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Kvalifikator ekspr. v Slovarju slovenskega knjiznega jezika na ravni frazeologije
Qualifier expr. In The Dictionary Of The Slovene Standard Literary Language At The Level Of Phraseology

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V prispevku smo skusali opredeliti kriterije, po katerih je bil ob vecino frazemov v Slovarju slovenskega knjiznega jezika pripisan kvalifikator ekspr. Iskali smo jih v sestavinah frazema, rabi, umestitvi frazema v geselskem clanku in v gradivu samem. Pokazalo se je, da so avtorji slovarja pri opredeljevanju frazemov z ekspr. sledili predvsem lastnemu jezikovnemu cutu.


 - English synopsis

The paper aims at determining the criteria underlying the use of qualifier expr. (= expressive) with a majority of phrasemes in The Dictionary of the Slovene Standard Literary Language. Constituents of phrasemes, their use, position of a phraseme within a dictionary entry and material itself were examined. The findings imply that in marking phrasemes as expr. the dictionary's authors were mainly guided by their language instinct.


 - English summary

The paper aims at determining the role of qualifier expr. (= expressive) used with phrasemes in The Dictionary of the Slovene Standard Literary Language. By its very nature, this qualifier is redundant when it is used with phrasemes in a narrow sense of the term, as expressivity is their basic property. The expectation that one of the reasons for marking phrasemes with an expr. -type qualifier is its expressive content, was confirmed in those phrasemes which carry two specialized expressive qualifiers, viz. low (substandard) and vulg. , while in a sample of 546 phrasemes marked expr. this correlation is not present. Similarly, no difference was found between the role of qualifier expr. with phrasemes in a phraseological cluster and those outside them. On the basis of comparison with unmarked phrasemes, several groups of phrasemes with specific lexical and semantic properties were selected which were regarded as the most likely candidates to receive qualifier expr. However, they represented only a quarter of the total sample of phrasemes that actually carry this qualifier. This finding implies that in marking phrasemes as expr. - apart from certain inconsistencies and errors in recording and marking phrasemes - the dictionary's authors were mainly guided by their language instinct.


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