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Jezik in slovstvo
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Gregor Kocijan

Kidricevo presernoslovje po prvem delu monografije o Presernu (1939-1950)

Kidric's Research On Preseren After Part One Of His Monography On Preseren (1939-1950)

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

O tem, da je prof. Kidric snoval drugi del monografije o Presernu, ni dvoma; dokaz so trije objavljeni odlomki »iz rokopisa za knjigo: Preseren 1838-1849«: Presernova gostilniska publicistika (1947), Preseren in vprasanje slovenskega casopisa 1838-1846 (1947), Preseren in Kastelic izza jeseni 1838 (1950). Obseznejsi zasnutek drugega dela ni znan. Leta 1950 je izsel Kidricev Presernov album 1949, ki je --- morda bi ga lahko imeli za svojevrstno nadomestilo ob nemoznosti koncati drugi del monografije --- s slikovnim gradivom in dokumenti predstavil celotno Presernovo zivljenje in delo.


 - English synopsis

There may be no doubt that France Kidric worked on a manuscript for Part Two of his monography on Preseren. A proof are three published passages »from the manuscript for the book Preseren 1838-1849«: Preseren's Publican Texts (Presernova gostilniska publicistika, 1947), Preseren and the Issue of a Slovene-Language Newspaper 1838-1846 (Preseren in vprasanje slovenskega casopisa 1838-1846, 1947), Preseren and Kastelic after the Autumn of 1838 (Preseren in Kastelic izza jeseni 1838, 1950). However, nothing is known about any extensive draft of Part Two of the monography.

In 1950, Kidric published The 1949 Preseren Album (Presernov album 1949), which may be regarded as an interesting substitute for Part Two of the monography which he could not finish. In it, he presents Preseren's entire life and work using pictorial material and documents.


 - English summary

Having published Part One of his monography on Preseren in 1938 (Preseren 1800-1838), France Kidric continued his research on the poet's life and work. A number of his publications before 1938 show that his findings reach also into the period he was going to discuss in Part Two of the monography. Between 1939 and 1950 he published 35 texts: 16 on Preseren and his contemporaries, 8 on other topics of literary history, and 11 were related to current social issues or to his responsibilities as president of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts. (In The Slovene Biographic Lexicon he contributed 16 entries, mainly on authors from early periods). That he worked on Part Two is obvious also from the fact that he published three passages »from the manuscript for the book Preseren 1838-1849«: Preseren's Publican Texts (Presernova gostilniska publicistika, 1947), Preseren and the Issue of a Slovene- Language Newspaper 1838-1846 (Preseren in vprasanje slovenskega casopisa 1838-1846, 1947), Preseren and Kastelic after the Autumn of 1838 (Preseren in Kastelic izza jeseni 1838, 1950). However, nothing is known about any extensive draft of Part Two of the monography.

There are four texts that are particularly worthy of our attention; three among them are lectures or public speeches: Preseren and the Slavic Identity (Preseren in slovanstvo, 1945), Preseren and Today's Issues (Preseren in danasnja problematika, 1947), and The Year 1848 and Preseren (Leto 1848 in Preseren, 1948). They are all characterized by exact identifications of the poet's significance, profound aesthetic evaluations of his work and positioning of Preseren among Europe's greatest poets. These texts are synthetic, very different from his papers, in which he presents thematically organized facts from the poet's life and work or from the time and eenvironment in which he wrote.

In 1950, Kidric published The 1949 Preseren Album (Presernov album 1949), which may be regarded as an interesting substitute for Part Two of the monography which he could not finish. In it, he presents Preseren's entire life and work using pictorial material and documents. The Preseren Album testifies to Kidric's meticulous and systematic method of research: pictures and documents are accompanied by precious notes (which sum up the entire body of knowledge existent at the time) and a sort of a biographic lexicon of the poet's contemporaries who did not feature in the pictorial material. While Kidric's monography remains a torso, this fact is partly made up for by The Album, which is a final contribution to the researcher's positivist and biographic method in exploring Preseren's life and work. The four texts discussed in this paper, however, depart from the positivist literary history and start investigating aesthetic and artistic dimensions of Preseren's literary body of work. They represent the beginning of a new stage in Kidric's understanding of the poet and everything created by his genius.


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