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Jezik in slovstvo
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Irena Stramljic Breznik

Komunikacijski ali sporocanjski frazemi
Communicative Phrasemes

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Pragmaticni frazemi so frazemi, katerih pomen ni samo ali pa sploh ne denotativen, ampak jim ga narekuje okoliscina rabe. Prispevek se omejuje na skupino komunikacijskih frazeoloskih obrazcev s stavcno strukturo po gradivu iz SSKJ in jih skusa pomensko razvrscati v stiri skupine glede na v njih ubesedeno razmerje tvorca do naslovnika, teme, prenosnika in okoliscin sporocanja.


 - English synopsis

Pragmatic phrasemes are those whose meaning is not (only) denotative, but is determined by the circumstances of the communicative act. The paper discusses a group of communicative phraseologic patterns with sentential structure from the material of the Dictionary of the Standard Slovene Literary Language. They are classified into four groups according to the speaker's relationship to the addressee, the theme, the medium of communication, and other circumstances in a communicative act.


 - English summary

European phraseologists noticed at a relatively early stage that phrasemes fall into two groups. One group comprises phrasemes with denotative meaning, the other those whose meaning is limited to typical speech acts. However, various methods used to determine a definitive delimitation between the two groups have introduced different categorisation criteria, with resulting difference in categorisation.

The method for categorisation of the communicative phrasemes found in the Dictionary of the Standard Slovene Literary Language is founded on the premise that every language has such communicative patterns and that they differ in whether they are phraseologic (the meaning of their constituents is opaque) or not (they only have a fixed literal meaning). A possible typology is also suggested on the basis of the producer's relationship towards the addressee, the theme, the medium of communication, and other circumstances in a communicative act.

Such categorisation is not simple nor unproblematic, esp. in the case of phrasemes whose meaning may change depending on the context. A major difficulty in this categorisation is determining whether all such communicative patterns are indeed idiomatic. It is easy to fall victim to the pitfall of classifying as idiomatic also entities that are not phraseiologic, but merely collocational. However, the degree of idiomaticity does not seem to be regarded as a problem in foreign literature on phraseology, whose leading criterion of phrasemes is regular occurrence in fixed combinations in communication.


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