Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Andreja Zele

O slovarskem prikazu slovenske vezljivosti
On Dictionary Treatment Of Valency In Slovene

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prispevek opozarja, katera teoreticna izhodisca vezljivosti morajo biti izdelana in upostevana pri zasnovi slovarja slovenske vezljivosti. Prakticni prikaz daje tudi moznosti za nadaljnje pripombe in izboljsave pri slovarski predstavitvi slovenske vezljivosti.


 - English synopsis

The article discusses the theoretical foundations of valency that have to be applied in designing a dictionary of valency in the Slovene language. Practical examples are provided of how treatment of valency in a dictionary could be further improved.


 - English summary

There is an obvious need for a systematic description of valency in Slovene. First we need to produce a valency dictionary of verbs, to be followed by those of adjectives and nouns. In analysing valency, it is important to adopt a multi-layer approach, which includes the semantic layer (directionality), the grammatical layer (valency), and the expressive/ textual layer (agreement, government). The starting point is the semantic valency, which also serves to determine prepositional morphemic headwords and to draw a precise line between lexicalized and nonlexicalized verbal prepositional morphemes. In the dictionary, each verb headword will be explained using words with (at least partly) the same valency. These explanatory words will in turn feature as verbal headwords in their own right elsewhere in the dictionary and their explanation will again contain words with (at least partly) the same valency. Such a chain of explanations of valency will continue until it reaches the explanatory primitives biti (to be), imeti (to have), and delati (do). These three primitive verbal hypernyms can be dictionary and word- formational categorising semantic constituents at the same time. Valency treatment thus proceeds from specialised verbs through basic verbs to primitive verbs; in terms of valency, biti, imetiand delati cover all the verbs in the language. An additional point of consideration is valency as part of language development theory; therefore the dictionary should include also valency changes of established verbal meanings and patterns for the production of new verbs.


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