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Slovenska knjizevnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Metka Kordigel, Mateja Sega

O miselni shemi za recepcijo pravljice v predoperativnem in operativnem obdobju otrokovega bralnega razvoja
On The Fairy-Tale Reception Cognitive Scheme At The Pre-Operational And Operational Stages Of The Child's Reading Development

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V pricujocem sestavku bomo skusali prikazati rezultate dela empiricne raziskave, s katero smo preverjali prisotnost miselne sheme pravljica pri otrocih v predoperativnem in operativnem obdobju njihovega osebnostnega razvoja, zavedanje o prisotnosti miselne sheme, poleg tega pa smo opravili tudi kvalitativno analizo pravljicne miselne sheme. Raziskavo smo opravili na Oddelku za razredni pouk Pedagoske fakultete v Mariboru z namenom, da preverimo ustreznost v ucnem nacrtu za devetletko zastavljenih aproksimativnih literarnorecepcijskih ciljev v okviru razdelka Knjizevne zvrsti in vrste --- proza, ki predvideva priklicevanje relevantnih literarnoestetskih izkusenj ze ob samem poimenovanju knjizevne zvrsti/vrste pred branjem oz. najkasneje potem, ko je otrok slisal/prebral prvih nekaj povedi.


 - English synopsis

The article presents the results of a part of an empirical study which explored the presence of the cognitive scheme 'fairy-tale' in children at the pre-operational and operational stages of their personality development, and of their awareness of the presence of a cognitive scheme. Constituents of the fairy-tale cognitive scheme in children aged 4-9 years were also analysed.


 - English summary

The article presents the results of a part of an empirical study which explored the presence of the cognitive scheme 'fairy-tale' in children at the pre-operational and operational stages of their personality development, and of their awareness of the presence of a cognitive scheme. Additionally, a qualitative analysis of the fairy-tale cognitive scheme was carried out. The experiment was done in the Department of Elementary Education at the Faculty of Education in Maribor. Its purpose was to test the adequacy of the approximative literary-reception objectives in the chapter Literary Genres and Subgenres - Prose of the nine-year primary school curriculum. The curriculum builds on the expectation that a mere naming of a literary (sub)genre will triger off recall of relevant literary aesthetic experience even before the reading of a text or at least when the child has read/ heard a few introductory sentences.


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