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Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Natasa Jakop

Funkcijska delitev clenkov: znacilnosti naklonskih clenkov
A Functional Classification Of Particles: Characteristics Of Modal Particles

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prispevek obravnava razvrstitev clenkov po njihovi vlogi v stavku, povedi in besedilu. Pomenske skupine clenkov po Jozetu Toporisicu je pod vplivom prispevkov Ivanke Cernelic in delitve clenkov v ceskem jezikoslovju mogoce zdruziti v tri oziroma stiri skupine: navezovalni, naklonski (naklonski v ozjem smislu, skladenjskonaklonski) in poudarni clenki. Podrobneje je obravnavana naklonska vloga nekaterih clenkov in znacilnosti skladenjskonaklonskih clenkov naj in ali.


 - English synopsis

The article presents a model for classifying particles according to their function on the clause, sentence, and text levels. The semantic categorisation of particles by Toporisic is combined with a system proposed by Ivanka Cernelic (and based on particles categorisation in Czech linguistics) to produce a model comprising three (or four) groups of particles: cohesive, modal (modal particles in the narrow sense and mood particles), and emphatic. The second part includes a detailed analysis of several modal particles and of the mood particles naj and ali.


 - English summary

Particles are non-inflectional words with no object meaning, no grammatical meaning, and no corresponding question-word. They do not function as a clause element, but are rather used either as independent clauses or as parts of a clause element. Some semantic groups of particles have a similar function in the clause, sentence, and text; therefore it seems appropriate to categorise them into three or four (functional) groups: cohesive, modal, mood, and emphatic particles. The particles naj and ali are means for expressing the optative and interrogative moods respectively. The particle naj is used only with verbs in the first or third persons of all three numbers. Syntactically, it is part of the predicator. It expresses instigation of/ appeal to the speaker(s) or a person/ persons not participating in the conversation. Semantically, it is a means for expressing a request, wish, order, or piece of advice. The particle ali used either as a non-verbal clause or as part of a clause (part of the predicator) and performing an appellative (interpersonal) function is an interrogative particle. The particle ali used only part of a clause (part of the predicator) and performing either an appellative (interpersonal) or a representational function is a non-interrogative emotive particle. The meaning of sentences with a non-interrogative emotive particle is frequently ironic. Such sentences are particularly common in conversation (both in everyday communication and in literature). Sentences with the interrogative ali are used as unmarked syntactic patterns in all functional genres. Modal particles (which do not change the mood of the clause) are used to express the speaker's emotional state, to agree with the addressee/ oneself (with or without reservation), to express one's opinion about something or to try and convince the addressee/ oneself about something, to express one's point of view about something, to deny the truth-value of a statement, to denote a content as not true, or to disagree with the addressee. The meaning of these particles can mostly be determined only on the basis of context. E.g., the particle res can be used to agree without reservation (Res, predalec je sel. = Indeed, he went too far.) or with reservation (Strokovnjak res ni, nekaj pa le ve. = He may not be an expert, but he does know a thing or two.), to express the speaker's belief about something, or to attempt to convince the addressee about something (Tu je res dolgcas, se ti ne zdi? = It's really boring here, isn't it?; Nisem jaz kriv, res ne. = It wasn't my fault, it really wasn't.) Particles are a complex group of words and to give just their semantic value in a dictionary is not enough. They should be treated also in terms of their function in text. Such analysis also makes it easier to distinguish them from other parts of speech.


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