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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Miran Hladnik

France Kidric danes
France Kidric Today

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

France Kidric je kljub temu, da je za danasnje literarne zgodovinarje sinonim nepriljubljenega pozitivisticnega biografizma, v svoji generaciji ohranil prvo mesto, se bolj presenetljivo pa je, da je zaradi bogastva podatkov, ki jih je prispeval, se vedno na prvem mestu med referencami v najnovejsi presernoslovski literaturi. Prestevanje citatov v zadnjih petih letnikih treh osrednjih slovenskih literarnovednih revij (Slavisticni reviji, Jeziku in slovstvu in Primerjalni knjizevnosti) je pokazalo, da se v stroki sicer najpogosteje sklicujemo na Janka Kosa, Matjaza Kmecla, Franca Zadravca, Borisa Paternuja in Dusana Pirjevca. Med citiranimi avtorji starejse generacije postopoma prepuscajo prostor mlajsim.


 - English synopsis

Although in contemporary literary history France Kidric is a synonym for unpopular positivist biographism, he still holds primacy in his own generation; even more surprisingly, he remains the most quoted author in recent Presernian literature, thanks to the wealth of data he compiled. Citation statistics for the three central Slovene journals of literary history (Slavisticna revija, Jezik in slovstvo, Primerjalna knjizevnost) in the last five years show that the most quoted authors in the field in general are Janko Kos, Matjaz Kmecl, Franc Zadravec, Boris Paternu, and Dusan Pirjevec. In the literary history citation lists, older generations are increasingly giving way to younger ones.


 - English summary

In contemporary literary theory, France Kidric is a synonym for unpopular positivist biographism and a relatively rare reference; his name is only gradually reappearing in texts by younger literary historians. Nevertheless, he still holds primacy in his own generation (ahead of Ivan Prijatelj and Ivan Grafenauer); even more surprisingly, despite a host of young Presernians he remains the most quoted author in recent Presernian literature, thanks to the wealth of data he compiled. Citation statistics for the three central Slovene journals of literary history (Slavisticna revija, Jezik in slovstvo, Primerjalna knjizevnost) in the last five years show that the most quoted author is Janko Kos, followed by Matjaz Kmecl (but forgotten in Primerjalna knjizevnost), Franc Zadravec (ignored in Jezik in slovstvo), Boris Paternu, and Dusan Pirjevec (the latter especially in Primerjalna knjizevnost). The most balanced source of citations is Slavisticna revija with eight out of the ten most often cited authors being also among the top ten in Slavisticna revija. Jezik in slovstvo and Primerjalna knjizevnost contribute five names each and are both characterized by some exclusive references. Among the most frequently cited authors, none is under fifty and none has been dead for more than twenty years. In the literary history citation lists, older generations are increasingly giving way to younger ones.


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