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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Matevz Kos

Sorli, Albreht, Nietzsche
Sorli, Albreht, Nietzsche

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Razprava obravnava odmeve Nietzschejeve filozofje v literaturi Iva Sorlija in Frana Albrehta. Pri Sorliju v noveli Hic Rhodus! (1902-1903) in romanu Clovek in pol (1903), pri Albrehtu pa v pesniski zbirki Mysteria dolorosa (1917).


 - English synopsis

The article discusses echoes of Nietzsche's philosophy in literary works by Ivo Sorli and Fran Albreht, more specifically in Sorli's short story Hic Rhodus! (1902-1903) and his novel Clovek in pol (Man and a Half, 1903), and Fran Albreht's collection of poems Mysteria dolorosa (1917).


 - English summary

Nietzscheanism is a complex phenomenon whose scope extends beyond Nietzsche's philosophy, but whose depth is shallower. To the extent it is also an ideological, i.e. one-dimensional appropriation of individual themes from Nietzsche's philosophy, Nietzscheanism is exposed to the process of interested reading --- and whenever such reading has a choice among several different paths, it normally opts for an easier one. The first two decades of the 20th century are the most 'authentic' period of ingress of Nietzsche's philosophy into Slovene literature. Alongside major representatives of the Slovene modernist movement, especially Cankar and Zupancic, there were are number of minor, 'borderline modernist' authors, whose texts also reflect Nietzsche's philosophy or rather the ideational, esthetic and ideological conglomerate referred to as Nietzscheanism. Among 'fellow travellers' of the Slovene modernist movement, echoes of Nietzsche's philosophy and Nietzschean motific and thematic clusters are relatively common. The article discusses three texts of modest literary value, but very characteristic for Slovene reception of Nietzsche, viz. Ivo Sorli's short story Hic Rhodus! (1902--1903) and his novel Clovek in pol (Man and a Half, 1903), and Fran Albreht's collection of poems Mysteria dolorosa (1917).


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